I have a dog, who thankfully is pretty good about trash but still is a dog—leaving snack sized bags on the ground terrifies me (I know someone who’s dog suffocated bc they got stuck in a potato chip bag. Since then, I never allow any snacks or dog food in travel sized bags near her).
If this was someone’s behavior on a third or 4th date I’d be like “okay, they just don’t understand this is gross to me”, but when you’ve known someone awhile I don’t really know what the excuse is.
It’s almost like he does so little/does such a bad job so he knows I won’t ask him to do anything while he’s here.
Example? I’ve learned if I want to be able to salvage left overs from a meal I cook, he can’t be in charge. If I want to make sure the front door is locked at night, and that the lights are off, he can’t be in charge (this is another favorite—he will go climb in my bed to go to sleep, with every light in the house on, and the front door unlocked and standing open. I’m not kidding. I live! in a fairly safe area, but I was always taught growing up you DO NOT get in bed until the doors are locked, and the lights are off/any appliances are off).
Red flag and you’re ignoring it. He would have a problem hooking up with a teenager now. Predators don’t stop being predators they just hide and blend in. You don’t know the man you are marrying after all. You might want to pump the brakes on those wedding plans.
Yeah I mean don’t make yourself too available anymore. Taking a step back sounds like a great idea, and if she really wants to see you she will make an effort.
As someone with no dog in the fight, I’d go scorched earth and oust her pedophile brother and herself for being a pedophile defender to anyone who’ll listen, then tell her to pound sand if she thinks for a second she’ll have access to your child.
Realistically, I think you and your partner make an actionable plan to never allow your child around you uncle, and you make it clear to your mother that any single attempt to allow him into your child’s life will result in a permanent cease of contact.
Exactly. If she can’t be the woman he wants then he should leave her. It’s not like she didn’t know what kind of man he was
I have a dog, who thankfully is pretty good about trash but still is a dog—leaving snack sized bags on the ground terrifies me (I know someone who’s dog suffocated bc they got stuck in a potato chip bag. Since then, I never allow any snacks or dog food in travel sized bags near her).
If this was someone’s behavior on a third or 4th date I’d be like “okay, they just don’t understand this is gross to me”, but when you’ve known someone awhile I don’t really know what the excuse is.
It’s almost like he does so little/does such a bad job so he knows I won’t ask him to do anything while he’s here.
Example? I’ve learned if I want to be able to salvage left overs from a meal I cook, he can’t be in charge. If I want to make sure the front door is locked at night, and that the lights are off, he can’t be in charge (this is another favorite—he will go climb in my bed to go to sleep, with every light in the house on, and the front door unlocked and standing open. I’m not kidding. I live! in a fairly safe area, but I was always taught growing up you DO NOT get in bed until the doors are locked, and the lights are off/any appliances are off).
Red flag and you’re ignoring it. He would have a problem hooking up with a teenager now. Predators don’t stop being predators they just hide and blend in. You don’t know the man you are marrying after all. You might want to pump the brakes on those wedding plans.
Yeah I mean don’t make yourself too available anymore. Taking a step back sounds like a great idea, and if she really wants to see you she will make an effort.
As someone with no dog in the fight, I’d go scorched earth and oust her pedophile brother and herself for being a pedophile defender to anyone who’ll listen, then tell her to pound sand if she thinks for a second she’ll have access to your child.
Realistically, I think you and your partner make an actionable plan to never allow your child around you uncle, and you make it clear to your mother that any single attempt to allow him into your child’s life will result in a permanent cease of contact.