Edging live webcams for YOU!

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Edging with Scarlit Scandal & Katie Kush!!

11 thoughts on “Edging live webcams for YOU!

  1. I am not looking for validation anytime in my text. I tell everyone that I said awful words. I’m autistic and can’t sense how the situation might go beforehand. I try. I don’t want validation but a way to process and understand the why’s of the situation

  2. I get it but she Asked twice. She asked him…he was honest…she already knows how this makes her feel and asked AGAIN. This is a OP problem.

  3. No one is THAT tired that you don’t have a chance once in a while over a whole year. She is tired… but so are all new parents. She’s not being honest. There is every chance she just no longer has a sex drive at all. Pregnancy can do crazy things to hormones. The “tired” is just her way to try to nicely say no. As proven by the time away where she is still too tired.

  4. Are you the guy who repeatedly holds her down and comes inside of her after she says not to? And you had an argument about it and she got a little heated and spittle was flying and you said “hey don’t spit on me” and she said “oh really? You don’t like body fluids on you when you’ve said no?” And THEN spit on you? Are you that guy?

    Cause if you’re that guy then FU rapist.

  5. Ugh. That all sounds too familiar. Unfortunately, if she’s not willing to get professional help, I’m not sure anything will improve.

  6. Unless you won billions you need to get smart real fast, there's a reason why most lottery winners end up broke in a year. When you grow up in poverty you build really bad speeding habits due to the idea that money will dissappear if it's not spent immediately, so chill out on giving it away, read into some of the personal finance forums, don't hire anyone from said forums but understand a million dollars can be put away and built interest on ideally you want to get to a point where the yearly interest yield pays for your life style.

  7. this. was gonna say to tell him u also pay to live! here so youre not leaving but you should definitely think of ending things

  8. You won’t be held liable unless you told her to do it. If you’re in the US at least. From what you’re saying, she’s threatening to do it, but hasn’t be actionable, and thus you can’t reasonably be held to guilt because you have reasonable doubt so to speak.

    Morally, don’t ever let someone hold their coffin above your head. Even if she does do it, that is not on you. That’s a problem that’s beyond you.

    So my advice? Leave, don’t turn back. This is textbook emotional abuse what she’s doing.

  9. I know you want this to be a happy ending but you are three months into this relationship. You do not know him and you should still be on your guard about if this man is who you think he is or not. There is a good chance that this relationship wouldn't work out without a baby coming along so quickly, never mind with one.

    Any decision you make should be based on how you would feel about being a single mum with no input or contact from him, and also how you'd feel about being tied to this man forever if it doesn't work out, and especially if he turns out to be less than wonderful. You need to decide what you want in all of these scenarios before you even tell him.

  10. Nope you are not overreacting. Whether or not she set him up to break the two of you up, he still went with it, tho he does get some credit for saying he has a gf. “Friends” who exist on social media only are not friends. That would be beyond what I think is an appropriate boundary, at least for me.

  11. You have a history of familial abuse, you are under 25 and in a relationship with a fairly large age gap, and this man keeps pressuring you to put yourself in a position he knows is a trigger for you? These are all really bad signs. Just remember red flags warn us of imminent danger ahead. If we ignore the red signs and keep going forward, we are likely to find the danger. I think sitting down and really evaluating this relationship may be a good start. Possibly talking to a therapist about it if that's an option for you.


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