EffieNoir live! webcams for YOU!

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nude [Multi Goal]

5 thoughts on “EffieNoir live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Her mental health is struggling.

    OP, I agree with the other respondents that the abusive behaviors you describe (e.g., her lack of identity and emotional instability) cannot be explained by endo. Was she ever examined by a psychologist and given a diagnosis for a particular mental disorder? Did she exhibit such behavioral problems before her endo started acting up and before she started on the hormone injections?

  2. It doesn't seem like he was into any of these girls, it just seems like it was lust and sex, nothing more. Work through it, but it doesn't seem like he can stop, he's a guy after all.

  3. Yes I don't plan on ever doing it again. Don't know how you concluded that I don't want to change. If I have messed up ofcourse I would want to work om it and will do so.

  4. In brief you’re a cheater , and you’ll do it again there’s no way of you will stop it … let the guy go .

  5. Oof. This is a hot sell. You’ve been dating for two years, and he still won’t introduce you to his family? I promise, this is going nowhere.

    I dated a guy who wouldn’t introduce me to his mom 2 years in bc he knew she wouldn’t approve of my race. Never mind that he spent countless hours at my parents’ house & even joined us on vacation. We broke up for other reasons, but looking back, I don’t know WHAT I was thinking.


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