I’m going to steal your words “it makes me uncomfortable that your ex is giving you big gifts and that your talking to him on a regular basis on an app that deletes the texts”.
Same I don’t keep in contact with any of mine even though it’s only one. Do you think that she would give me an honest answer if I just outright asked why he was back in her life?
I know that your right but I don’t have actual boundaries set up cus I just don’t think of things like this. I wouldn’t imagine an old partner coming back onto the scene.
find someone who will lie to you, i guess
How long does he go for?
That’s a good point.
I’m going to steal your words “it makes me uncomfortable that your ex is giving you big gifts and that your talking to him on a regular basis on an app that deletes the texts”.
Same I don’t keep in contact with any of mine even though it’s only one. Do you think that she would give me an honest answer if I just outright asked why he was back in her life?
I know that your right but I don’t have actual boundaries set up cus I just don’t think of things like this. I wouldn’t imagine an old partner coming back onto the scene.
I don’t trust her that much at all at this point. She’s very convincing it’s more of a gut instinct
Maybe they broke up because he didn’t want to get married or something and then it just feels like a slap in the face and wasted time.
OP, you deserve better. He doesn’t get it, and if he doesn’t get it after two years, he’s never going to understand it. It’s time to move on.