Emily-XXX1 online sex chats for YOU!

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4 thoughts on “Emily-XXX1 online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Is there an art museum in your area that you could take her to? Maybe make a day of art, like the museum, her favorite restaurant for a late lunch, then (I'm bit sure what her medium is. Painting, sculpture, writing, music…) have her over to do art together. If it's not your thing, make an effort to learn about her interests.

    In the future, do what you say you'll do. Can't change what has happened, but you can build her trust and confidence in you by being reliable. Add stuff like her shows to your calendar with a reminder for the day before.

    Personally, I think she's overreacting in the moment and will calm down some so she'll be more open to communication. She is not wrong to be kinda pissed, but to say she can no longer trust you after one incident is kinda extra, but just be sincere in your apologies and attempts to mend things and it should be okay in time

  2. Well, to change the pace from “stop having sex” and “break up” I’d recommend looking for a couples counselor who specializes in emotionally focused therapy.

    It helps couples communicate and empathize on a deeper level and bring you closer together. It isn’t a crazy long term thing and what you learn from it will change your dynamic for the better.

    I think a lot of advice here jumps to conclusions simply because there is no way we can’t get every detail, but often times these issues are communication issues, and that don’t mean it’s any one persons fault. EFT can help you both understand each other better and likely help close this gap in your relationship.

    I wish you the best.


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