Ethelfleda live sex cams for YOU!

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School Girl come and have fun with me !!

13 thoughts on “Ethelfleda live sex cams for YOU!

  1. You keep that information to yourself until you need to use it. The moment will present itself. She’s not protecting you, she’s hoping you don’t know. Trust me keep that info locked up until everything is signed fairly then you can tell her the real reason things ended. She may try to windle herself a better deal out of this divorce. Protect yourself and keep this info knowing she gets nothing more than you.

  2. I’m scared of going back to dating and dealing with worse situations.

    Don't let this prevent you from finding someone who respects you, which your current bf clearly doesn't.

  3. If they knew how painful whatever they said was before saying it to you that’s a big red flag personally speaking. It’s like making yo mama jokes when you know the persons mom died a little below the belt.

    If you feel they are good people then unblock them and explain how hurt you were and how that wasn’t okay but you miss them and want to hash things out. If they don’t reply they don’t reply but then you can move on with some closure

  4. Getting a job in a new city is a pretty good indicator that he’s ready to end things. Getting in a fight on that leads to throwing the ring down the sink isn’t like accidentally saying you hate someone. I’d say these are some pretty good indicators he wants out.

  5. We need more information. Why are you with an individual who doesn’t support you with rent, cheats on you, and is over 40 with no career? He will never be able to get you expensive gifts, are you okay with that?

  6. I’m sorry this is happening to you. None of it is your fault. Don’t blame yourself or try to reason things that are out of your control.

    If she’s willing to go to marriage counseling, that’s the first step. What killed her attraction to you? That’s the answer you need to start finding a solution.

    A sex therapist could be a great idea too. They can teach you how to be intimate-not just physically. Emotional connection deepens pleasure. And I mean.. it was your first time. No hate, but it was probably disappointing for her. You don’t know what you’re doing, so it’s understandable and normal. Did she finish? Have you talked about what she likes in bed or turns her on?

  7. How can I ever hope to have trust again in this relationship.

    Don't gaslight yourself. She's fucking around for years, got STDs, you sound extremely co-dependent, work on your self-esteem. Look up the 180 and get your life in order.

  8. Could there have been red flags that I have missed?

    Well the fact you're 18 and he's over 30 actively trying to get with teenagers is a pretty giant flag .

  9. Or it could be masking. Very common for autistic folks to suppress their issues in front of most people except their trusted loved ones. And then their issues are exacerbated with their loved ones because all that was suppressed needs to come out.

  10. I think he's a guy and guys know girls like good smelling things ?‍♀️ he knows you're stressed and sees you're struggling with your hair and having time for yourself and this is his little way to help. May be misguided but I don't think it's malevolent.


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