Evangelinne on-line webcams for YOU!

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7 thoughts on “Evangelinne on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I think you hit the nail on the head that this guy had you on a pedestal and had an imaginary relationship with you for a long time. I seriously doubt any amount of communication would have made this work because it was so one-sided to begin with. There’s a reason a 35-year-old is single and obsessing over a woman 10 years younger, and it’s not because he’s an emotionally healthy person. You basically decided to date your stalker.

    Your friends may not forgive you for “leading him on when you knew how much he loves you.” It’s not your fault, but it was pretty foreseeable. Leave him alone to lick his wounds and be glad the only thing he did was delete you. Men who are obsessed and then spurned can be dangerous.

  2. I agree with you it’s completely unreasonable. You’re a grown adult man. It’s as if she’s trying to punish you You’re a grown man you should be able to on-line your life as you want to and and I’m sorry your mother is doing this to you.

  3. Yeah, “a little put off” was definitely an understatement from my end. I think it's more of a difference of morals. If my friend stayed in a relationship with someone who we both knew had criminal history, history that specifically involved molesting a child, it would strike me as my friend not viewing sexual abuse as being as horrific as it is. As something permissible with time. Immediately cutting off a friendship over that with no conversation beforehand is a bit of a hasty decision, though, yes.

  4. Does your ex know where you on-line or where you work? Will he try to visit you because he sounds abusive?


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