EvaTouch live! webcams for YOU!

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36 thoughts on “EvaTouch live! webcams for YOU!

  1. We have said no to them before but she gets really moody about it. It’s none of my business if you’re emotional or whatever but it does transfer over if she keeps the attitude up. Hence why I’ve indirectly have said no to her to avoid any naked feelings

    She continues to make cookies and speak highly about her cookies even if the majority don’t eat them.

  2. The fact your calling them “my kids” not our kids points towards you needing full control of most situations. He needed to find a solution to an issue he was having in the mornings, he didnt want that solution to be your mother or sister and he trusted Ashley and it seems the kids like her too so it shouldnt be an issue. If their hasnt been problems why try creating a big issue over this?

  3. My mum and dad are both very dark hair, dark eyes. My mum has olive skin, my dad is fair. I was the goldilocks of the family. I have fair skin, but different tone to my dad, curly hair and light brown eyes.

    When we were children, you could not tell that I was my brother and sister's sibling or even my parents' child. After their split, there were rumours spreading that I wasn't my father's daughter. When we reached our teens, my sister and I started to look more alike with a few minor features. I still look nothing like my brother. My mum calls me her “throwback”.

    Point is, it happens. DNA and genes are interesting, you can never quite tell what someone's going to come out with. I hope your daughter doesn't feel any different to her siblings.

    If it's a huge concern, get a paternity test done. If it doesn't match, then you have your answer.

    I would greatly recommend having a conversation with those who think it's appropriate to make comments about a little girl's DNA. I've been that little girl and hearing that stuff, even when you don't fully understand, is scary and confusing. It's obviously aimed at you, but they're going to pull your child into this situation when she just deserves love and comfort from her family. Don't let them pull favourites either. Don't put up with that shit. If not for your sake, for your child's. Your husband should be pulling them up for it too.

  4. Also she has great breasts which I'm happy to show in messages.

    Any way I can convince her to breastfeed for the sake of our baby? At this point, she's just being lazy and neglecting her responsibilities.

  5. your friend obviously doesn’t approve and respect your profession. I wouldn’t hang out with people who think less of me.

  6. I mean, friends generally want you to be happy and wouldn't advise you if they didn't see something you can't see. Especially if it's more than one friend telling you this. They know you, they know the situation. You should probably listen to them. And getting married “because everyone esle is” is a TERRIBLE reason to get married.

  7. He'll probably see you're more interested in playing games and expecting the red carpet than have a mature relationship that goes beyond empty nothings. Good luck.

  8. I think I resent that my cheating is fair game but when I bring up the fact that she neglected the marriage for years before I cheated, despite my pleas to get her help, shuts down.

  9. In fact, it is a business act! Marriage is a legal contract. Nothing more, nothing less. If you divorce, it’s the ending of a legal contract. Treat it as such.

    Marriage has nothing to do with the ending of the relationship, with the emotional pain and the damage of trust and faith in the world. That’s all part of the end of the relationship with a loved person. And it’s not about marriage.

  10. This is a YOU problem. She doesn’t have to disclose her past to marry you or have kids. Her past doesn’t impact either of those things unless she’s been to jail, is a spy or lying about who she is.

    She doesn’t need to tell you. I can see by this post why she lies about it. You would freak out, dig to know every detail and then get weirdly insecure.

    I would have dumped you hardcore by now.

    Is sue cheating? No? Cool. That’s the relevant thing.

  11. You draw the line at him kicking u. Probably could’ve well before that but I would not be in a relationship with a child who is 31.

  12. I seriously cannot be bothered with apps and it’s so nude to meet people in my city. I’ll go back to solo life. Thank you 🙂

  13. He needs to know you need to be satisfied.

    If he believes his past trauma is the the issue, then great, he knows the cause and he can do an fix it.

    You can be patient if he is making moves to fix his trauma, but he needs to know that you will (and you should be willing to) leave the relationship if it continues as it is.

  14. If you sign away your rights, you can get out of paying child support. But a judge has to approve of it, and it will only be done if it's in the child's best interest. Usually, it only happens if the termination is being done to enable another adult (like a step parent) to adopt the kid.

  15. You need to talk to someone. Just not the other party that’s involved.

    That’s what therapy is for.

  16. Be careful who you share your trauma with. To shitty people it can mean you’re already trained/groomed and can easily fall into old patterns. It can put a target on your back. Fake white knights will come out of the woodwork.

  17. Super controlling man.

    Call a women's shelter for advice on getting out and re-estabishing yourself after. You probably also should keep your plans secret from him until ready to make the move. Start saving up a little money as you'll need it.

    And remember that domestic violence and spouse murder are most likely to occur when leaving a bad partner. Not a reason to stay, but a reason to plan carefully.

  18. Yes it is, when you're portraying sarcastic characters and not actually calling people by those slurs. When nobody is targeted and offended, its all good.

  19. The best way to improve communication is to practice! Take the opportunity to express that you're not looking for an exclusive relationship quite yet; these women deserve to have that disclosed as early as possible so they don't waste their time, just like you'd not like to waste your time.

  20. I am really sorry for all of what you and your brother are enduring. So sorry. Find some sort of support group and if you can still afford therapy, get it. You deserve to have someone be your ally and a constant source of stability. Set some boundaries to take care of yourself too. Hopefully he will be connected with mental health resources so that he can begin healing too. If he refuses to seek help, you may have to make a very hard decision about taking care of him. He can’t take you down with him. You both deserve better. Good luck.

  21. Of course he's telling you he's drunk. He desperately wants to convince you he didn't rape your sister! Which – he definitely did BTW.

    You're mad at the rape victim and protecting a rapist.

  22. You want her to prioritize the relationship and move for your school, however, you aren’t prioritizing her. If you are doing all these other things then that is fine, but don’t try to have your cake and eat it too by having a gf you don’t have time for. She’s not asking for anything unreasonable.

  23. She's a rapist. Biological clock or not, most women who feel their time is running out to have children don't rape men. She raped OP and this “biological clock” theory has nothing to do with her being a literal rapist.

  24. Holy shit is he ever manipulative. So he's a liar, a cheater, an ACTUAL gaslighter, and just emotionally abusive.

    He can fuck all the way off. Dump his ass.

    Deep down you know.

  25. Trust me this was not a one night stand. She has been fucking this “just a friend” every chance she had throughout their whole relationship.


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