FaithDon live sex chats for YOU!

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Hi Guys, I’m without a guy today

11 thoughts on “FaithDon live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Why would you delete a number? It's better to keep it so you have the contact pop up if they try to contact you.

  2. I hate to break it to you, but there is absolutely 0 guarantee that you get that money, even if you stick it out. Anything could happen between now and then. Maybe one parent dies, the other remarries, assets divided. Maybe they lose all their money. Maybe they just end up not giving it to you.

    Stop waiting around for that, it’s not your money, so drop that mentality of waiting for it. Do what you need to do, stick it out until you are financially independent, then vamoose and online your life the way you want to. Money can’t buy happiness, and it certainly can’t buy time. Do what’s best for yourself.

  3. This is exactly what you said, a “situationship”. I dont think it's meant to be anything more and the connotation with the word is pretty negative.

    He's showing you signs that this is nothing more than what it is; by not calling hanging out as dates. I think he is trying to separate situationship life from anything “real”

    he doesn’t want to call anything something he doesn’t think we’re ready for.

    This is really fair in my opinion. He's telling you what it is and doesnt want to lie of give you the inclination that it is anything but that. He is afraid of hurting you because with the truth, youre not getting what you want out of it; emotional intimacy and stability

  4. If this is someone that you want to spend your life with, this is a great test to see if they’re worth your time. If they trust you and know that you’re smart enough to protect yourself, regardless of what their initial reaction and feelings are, they will support the decisions that you want to make. If for some reason they react negatively to this situation and continue to harbor that negative reaction, you’ve saved yourself a long-term problem.

    Since you said that this is at least something that you’re aware of, it’s possible that it will come up again at some point and that might be a time that for other reasons you might HAVE to tell your partner. Do you want to tell them it’s not the first time this has happened? They might be hurt if they find out.

    Yeah, tell ‘em.

  5. Yeah I feel the same way about her sexuality now. Its just that I am not ready to let her go, guess I am just being weak.

    Thanks a lot for responding, it was HELPFUL.

  6. Considering the rest of this redditor's comments were questions, I'd say all of them were smart. Getting a greater understanding of the situation before throwing in your two cents is one of the smartest things someone can do, and not something I see nearly enough of on this sub.


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