FoxesFoo online webcams for YOU!

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3 thoughts on “FoxesFoo online webcams for YOU!

  1. Did it occur to you that him saying “You sound sad” was his way of gauging to see if you're open to discussing what was wrong with your day? To give you a opening to reveal your issues without him feeling or seeming like he's being nosy?

    He's not a mind reader. If you want to tell him your day sucked then tell him.

    My husband doesn't pry if I don't tell him why I'm having a bad day. He knows that if I wanted him to know then I'd tell him. I'm an adult woman who doesn't need to be coddled or pressed to reveal what's wrong. If I have something to get off my chest, I tell him without getting him to fish for it. I suffer PTSD so most times, I don't want to talk about it. It's my choice to share what I do, just as it's yours.

    Maybe he is concerned. Maybe he's not. Maybe he cares but doesn't want to ask in case you don't want to talk about it? Maybe you're right and he doesn't give a flying ducky.

    Perhaps instead of observing and making assumptions on his apathy, you should communicate? You and him both. You're not at a zoo studying animal behaviours, you're in a relationship with a human being and need to be open with your communication and expectations, because he may not have been brought up like you have to press for answers when someone he cares about is hurting. And let's be honest here, a lot of men aren't exactly as emotionally mature as a lot of women, a lot have been taught to actively avoid emotional conversation, so they need some prompting in the right direction.

    Point is, open up communication and tell him what's going on. You'll be able to see much more clearly if he cares or not.


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