? Friday (31.03.23) – start 21:00-22:00 – public the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms ? Friday (31.03.23) – start 21:00-22:00 – public

? Friday (31.03.23) - start 21:00-22:00 - public live! sex chat

16 thoughts on “? Friday (31.03.23) – start 21:00-22:00 – public the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Remove him from your SM.

    Send him an email saying that you don’t want contact with him outside of work. Tell him to stop using work time and resources to pressure you to spend time together outside of work. Tell him it was inappropriate to call you ‘beautiful’ and all commentary on your appearance needs to stop. Tell him that you will not discuss this in person. Don’t give him an explanation on why. You don’t owe him a personal relationship or an explanation. It’s not workplace age discrimination to decide you don’t want outside of work friendships.

    If he argues via email, in person, or complains to others – document that via email and go to HR.

    Keep in mind he probably has a history this. HR will probably just tell him to leave you alone. But if he’s faced complaints in the past actions will be more serious.

  2. That is exactly why I am asking for advice, I know I should not blame her for his actions but either way I believe what she did was beyond wrong

  3. Oh my lovely, find the courage and leave him. You are a million times better than this creep. I can tell just by the way your write that you’re intelligent- so you can do this! Rely on your support network and tell them everything, sometimes you have to ask for help for them to hear you. You will look back on this and feel proud of your growth and strength. You can do this!

  4. What are you doing with a man who laid his hands on you? Do you plan on marrying him? Do you want your children to grow up watching their father abuse their mother? Do you want your children to think it’s ok for a partner to hit them? Not only that but buying picture of other women? Completely disrespectful. Leave him. You can do so much better. There is a man out there who will treat you like a princess and you’re stuck with a lowlife like him because you wired your brain to think he’s somehow deserving of any of your efforts. Leave. Seriously. You’ll be so much better without him.

  5. This is what he said in another comment.

    But my wife wants my daughter gone. She says if my wife can’t take her I need to figure out who can. Obviously I refused to give into her demands


  6. “I love her so much and want to keep her in my life, but I also want to be able to do what I want freely without her judgment…”

    Yeah, good luck with that. Maybe two or three relationships down the line, you’ll come to understand that when someone cares about you, they will hold you to a standard because they want to see you do your best. She’s decided drugs are beneath her standard. You want her but not to satisfy her. What’s it gonna be, pal?

  7. Are we talking about sending messages to real women in your environment or saying lewd comments to a bot in an online strip site? If it's the former, leave, if it's the latter, tell him he's a moron and needs to cut it out. I'm sorry that you feel so hurt and betrayed, it sounds like he understands that he has hurt you.

  8. You do not meet with up an ex when you are in a new committed relationship.

    You based your decision on your gf – if she wasn't comfortable, you wouldn't go. You put it on her.

    Instead, it should have been that you told the ex no, and then told the gf that she asked and you declined.

    Have clean and clear boundaries and don't allow these kind of messy things to happen. Your ex is your past. Move forward and stop looking back. Be committed and responsible in your new relationship.

  9. It’s not even anything to do with whether she’s single or not. The whole thought of it just grosses me out to new levels. Even if it was while single I’d still hate it.

    If I let a girl do that to me I’d feel I lacked self respect. Just saying how I feel

  10. What is he doing that makes his hobby an addiction? His wife’s obsession with controlling what he does in his free time that does not negatively impact either of them, does not negatively impact finances or daily activities chores or quality time spent on their relationship is the problem. What if he spent the same amount of time wood working, drawing or playing an instrument instead of gaming, would that be an addiction?

  11. You don't need to feel guilty. If it takes you a year from now to give birth and recover then be it that way.

    Mastrubating right next to you is straight up disrespectful especially since it's making you uncomfortable you need to confront him and tell him you don't like it. Pushing these feelings down will make you resentful and they'll come out in a worse way anyway.

    I am just going to assume when you say “we decided porn = bad” was him just agreeing to you and now you know.


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