GIIA live sex cams for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “GIIA live sex cams for YOU!

  1. I gree with you but fuck that. Even drunk cheating is cheating.

    You know how many times I got drunk? No fucking clue

    You know how many times I cheated kn my partners, even when drunk? Z e r o

  2. He has responsibilities that he wants to keep to someone he cares about – you could learn something from him. Shut up and leave it be. You got taken back by him and by all accounts he seems to be forgiving you and moving back to try again. He just also refuses to not help someone he promised he would – sign of a good person

  3. Yep. I understand that there is a mountain of external nonsense messaging telling men that you must have the biggest dick blah blah. But normal sane men will be able to understand the truth when they listen to women. I said that exact comment to my bf, and he acts mock hurt to joke around with me and we always have a laugh about it. That's literally the only reaction this comment warrants. He's distant for days and redditors are acting like she killed his dog ffs.

  4. I’m sorry to break it to you, but if you haven’t heard from her in 10 days you guys aren’t together anymore, and frankly, you don’t want to date someone who is so rude to your mother.

    Don’t date people where you work.

  5. The first thing you need to do is get rid of the idea that this is her problem. As an employee, she has zero obligation to engage in small talk or open up to you. She works and that's all she owes you.

    Second, you need to find a social circle outside of work. Actual friends to fill the void you want your employee to fill. If you still have trouble separating your work and social life, get therapy. Again, your problem is yours, not hers.

    Third, you need to reconnect with your wife. You say you have a wife and kids but are clearly looking for an emotional connection. That's what your wife is for. When you feel like talking to your employee because of her “personality,” text your wife instead. Call her on breaks and lunches if you can. Plan date nights with her. Get your crush back on your wife instead of your employee.

  6. It's not my norm, and it's definitely been more frequent with him. What ppl aren't understanding about this post is I'm trying to figure out whether this was gaslighting or whether I was in the wrong. I appreciate your answer ?

  7. BS. It is completely okay to check your partner's phone if you see red flags in their behavior. The so called crap which says, “it's not right to check on your partner's phone”, is something that is made by the cheaters to help them cheat without having to worry about getting caught. So please cut the nonsense.


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