Gloria (, Святослава ) the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Gloria (, Святослава ), 27 y.o.


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Gloria (, Святослава ) live! sex chat

29 thoughts on “Gloria (, Святослава ) the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. OK so it's not unusual for stay at home moms to do this. To be financially dependant on someone is very dangerous, even if things seem fine. She's likely just trying to have a bit of savings for herself for a rainy day. I personally wouldn't bring it up, I would just leave it alone.

  2. You missed that “in sickness and health” part of the vows, huh?

    What did you think marriage was going to be? Her worshipping you and catering to your every whim? Her never having problems?

  3. Glass half full. Be glad you know now. You’re newly weds so get out now and don’t look back. Enjoy your life with someone else. Cheers!

  4. While i have no problem with age gap.. you either give her the open relationship and be misera le or just break up with her and date some someone closer to your age.

  5. Added in all the following manipulation, lies, attempted baby trapping…gawd, poor OP, seems clear this woman needed someone with far less experience to manipulate.

  6. wait until OP’s wife gets “baby fever” bc she thinks babies look cute but the second the baby is born she’s upset that it cries and poops

  7. I'm all for condoms and safe sex but who died and made you Dr. Discourage Women from Taking Medication that Allows them Reproductive Control?

  8. The money is already gone. So, it’s not like you are losing it. I get you are upset you spent money and don’t have the benefit of what you purchased. Contact the airlines and see if there is anyway to get a credit of some sort, maybe you can recoup at least a portion that way. It’s not worth the pain of dealing with him and his bs.

    Not sure how he can fix this as he lied repeatedly and exposed you to possible std’s. You need to get tested now. Even if you don’t have symptoms as you can have it and not show any signs for some stds. If left untreated they can risk your health and fertility.

  9. So I have a story about being forced to throw away pictures, letters, etc. and how I wished I never did. So when I was a teenager I fell madly in love with a guy. I had had other boyfriends but I had never felt like that about anyone. We had a storybook love. Circumstances I won’t get into separated us, not because we wanted to be separated but we had no choice. We ended up losing touch but I had this big duffel bag of memories from our relationship. Fast forward about six years. I had just graduated college and was living with my college boyfriend. We had been together about two years at this point. I loved him but, honestly, the feelings were not the same as with the other guy but it didn’t matter because he was gone for good. One night we got in a huge fight. He started screaming about how I still carried that duffle bag of memories of my ex-boyfriend everywhere I moved and he wanted me to throw them away. He said it upset him and he wanted it gone. I begrudgingly threw it in the dumpster at our apartment complex that night to make him happy. I didn’t want to but figured I had to. Even though our relationship wasn’t the best I figured I would likely stay with him. I guess it was the cliche about marrying your college boyfriend one day. Anyway fast forward about two days and I get a friend request on MySpace and it was the ex-boyfriend that I was madly in love. I had literally just thrown the duffle bag of our memories away. We started talking and realized those feelings never really went away. He said he looked for me as soon as he could but I had moved and he couldn’t find anyone who knew where I was (I moved far away). At this point we were several states away from each other. We were both in relationships and I know this sounds bad but we both broke up with our significant others to me together. I quit my job and moved back to my home town. We have been married for 15 years and have five children. I still regret throwing that duffle bag away. I could have shown my children all the things in the duffle bag and I think they would have loved it. I also wish I had all the things from the beginning of our relationship when we were young. No matter what happens in the future I will never let someone talk me into throwing those type of things away again. If I personally want to, I will, but I won’t for someone else.

  10. Announcing you wanna cheat before doesn't make things better.

    I imagine going to my husband suffering from mental health problems, telling him I'm gonna sleep with someone else, cheating on him and then acting surprised his mental health gets worse? Wtf….

    You're cruel and heartless for treating another human like that.

  11. We online together and he’s in school, in all those years he’s hardly done any romantic gestures


    he pays the bills and whatever I make is extra,

    He covers all the bills and provides for you yet

    for my mom to tell me, “I didn’t raise just anyone, it sucks to see that my daughter doesn’t get the love she deserves.

  12. Before, dont be scared. You'll regret spending two weeks together on a adventure you dont even want to go on and its going to hurt more.

  13. Pregnancy can make some people (both mothers and fathers) act crazy, especially the first child. Don’t make any big decisions until the baby arrives and you’ve had a few months to settle down.

  14. Thanks…it was meant as a kind of hopeful thought…and I don’t get the GameStop reference. Guess I’m old and a ma’am.

  15. This story was already posted before and she deleted it because everyone told her how dumb of an idea this is.

    Either this is a shit post or you were hoping for different responses. Reposting it will NOT change the fact that buying a house with your boyfriend is a stupid idea. Stop looking for answers that aren't there.

  16. The fact is that OP’s gf is not like you and your wife. You’re lucky you both felt the same. OP’s gf is having second thoughts. They shouldn’t be forced to stay together either if it’s not 100% what they both want.

  17. Everything – he, the situation, you, the cousin – its all too messy, too childish & immature. I read your post & its given me migraine so I cannot imagine you in center of the chaos.

    you are 24 & he is 19 ? just leave him & go find someone your age. you want a man to love & care of you not one that's accusing you on everything & from everywhere like a petulant child – which he is at 19…duh…

  18. Yeah, but she doesn't have to be the one to hang around while he sorts figures out how to be a decent adult.

  19. “The pot calling the kettle black.” It's when someone accuses another person of something they themselves do

  20. She's being childish. I'd go without her and take a friend. And I would tell her you don't have time or space for her insecure childish games.


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