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11 thoughts on “GranitaHoney live webcams for YOU!

  1. And that’s very fair! Maybe just express to your husband that you don’t feel okay with this, and he might know how to more gently bring it up with grandma. I don’t think there was any malicious intent, so hopefully once she knows it’s something you’re not okay with it won’t be an issue again

  2. I can understand why you would ask that, I can even understand the impulse to confess to make yourself feel freer of the feelings that consumed you.

    But. What this person said below. It was perceived that you tried to break up a happy couple with an 'emotional grenade'.

    Do the work for YOU. So you can be HAPPY and independent of emotional dependency. Get over this and learn, and never do it again.

  3. He is panicking and having major anxiety. He needs therapy and possible meds. He should see a therapist for anxiety and a psychiatrist for meds. I don’t know your situation totally but if this was me I’d go stay with parents until he calms down.

  4. I mean sure but at least it can be explained more I think by a momentary weakness. Emotional cheating basically means it’s a long term thing and they had plenty of time to think about and realize what they did

  5. Guys with female best friends are NEVER worth the hassle. Even if they aren't involved, the will-they-wont-they dynamic is super stressful, and the constant competition for attention is emotionally and physically draining.


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