Haiyony on-line webcams for YOU!

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16 thoughts on “Haiyony on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. If you haven’t considered one-on-one therapy with a professional, please so do! It sounds like this is a much deeper issue, and probably stems from something in your life outside of this relationship. You deserve so much better in terms of your mental health, confidence, self-worth, etc! This isn’t healthy. And please believe me, I was in your shoes as a young adult in my late teens and very early 20’s. Please seek out therapy. “Better Help” maybe? ?

  2. Reading that kind of resonates with me. Ironically he could keep track of all the food but smoked so many cigarettes me and my brothers could steal packs from him as kids and he NEVER noticed… it's interesting how it affects people.

  3. Please don't go to couples therapy with him. There's a lot of consistent advice out there about the fact that a manipulative partner can use couples therapy against you. Keep going with individual therapy and make a plan to get away from this guy. He clearly isn't treating you with love and respect, and you deserve both of those things.

  4. Jeeez. Now I'm crying, you have no idea how much I needed to know this and neither did I until I read this.

    Thank you so much.

  5. If she would raise an accidental kid while you don’t want any, it’s probably best you break up now.

    However, you won’t get a vasectomy, but insist on her taking drugs that will likely affect her emotional, physical, and mental health? Very entitled and selfish of you.

  6. I did at the beginning of the relationship when I had some money saved up , went often on date nights but now I’m broke I can only afford to do that every 2 weeks since I don’t work and have to focus on school

  7. Righting the wrong doesn't mean giving your wife the leverage to go sleep around mate. You didn't put in the work via couples' therapy so it's over. Just get a divorce lawyer and do the needful.

  8. Look even if it was something about you, you're both clearly better off now. What do you gain by asking him about it now? Neither of you need the feedback at this point. Keep him in your past and enjoy your life with your supposedly great new husband, who definitely wouldn't appreciate you trying to get closure from your ex of 8 years.

  9. I honestly recommend you skipping visiting that area and Mia. It wouldn't be healthy for you and it's not fair to her.

  10. When someone shows you who they are believe them. Women are left by men at alarming rates when they are sick. Men are left as well, but it's more common the other way around. I think you should find a better partner. Good ones so exist. You didn't take him wrong. He is just wrong.


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