5 thoughts on “HappyMadison online webcams for YOU!”
OP, you’re failing your daughter, and ignoring the advice you’ve solicited from this subreddit, doubling down on your desire to not rock the boat prioritizing your wife and sons’ daily life. Don’t be surprised when your wife’s cruelty towards a literal child escalates as your daughter enters her teen years, and either starts acting out significant or distances herself from and outright avoids you.
How long until your sons start to bully their older half sister imitating and supporting their mother’s disgusting behavior? You’re not considering the long term relationships with your children, and will therefore slowly lose your relationship with your daughter every time you allow your wife to attempt to cut her out of the family pretending you have no power to change the situation. This is not a dynamic that resolves without you forcing your wife to reflect and change her behavior; if she cannot do so then you need to leave and create a home that’s safe emotionally for ALL your children.
OP, you’re failing your daughter, and ignoring the advice you’ve solicited from this subreddit, doubling down on your desire to not rock the boat prioritizing your wife and sons’ daily life. Don’t be surprised when your wife’s cruelty towards a literal child escalates as your daughter enters her teen years, and either starts acting out significant or distances herself from and outright avoids you.
How long until your sons start to bully their older half sister imitating and supporting their mother’s disgusting behavior? You’re not considering the long term relationships with your children, and will therefore slowly lose your relationship with your daughter every time you allow your wife to attempt to cut her out of the family pretending you have no power to change the situation. This is not a dynamic that resolves without you forcing your wife to reflect and change her behavior; if she cannot do so then you need to leave and create a home that’s safe emotionally for ALL your children.
Ugh, I didn't push it to far because I'm afraid I already know why she said it. She was super quiet after
Have I missed something, or is he not single?
Denial is a hell of a drug.
There's nothing you can say to convince your parents to pay for you to get someone else's hair / fake hair surgically implanted into your scalp.
Not at all. “No, thank you. I am not interested.” Is all you need. If he asks why? Reply, Why do you ask? Ad nauseum.