Hirokogirll live webcams for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “Hirokogirll live webcams for YOU!

  1. “She’s tried before but I was worried that it would entirely warp my perception of her”

    Wow. I cannot stress enough how horrible this is honestly.

  2. I don’t necessarily think that him looking at girls on TikTok is the problem here. It’s the dishonesty and dysfunctional communication. You know what he’s doing; surely he knows you know; yet he still denies and blows up at you.

    Maybe it’s time to tell him to get honest or walk. Here’s the door: you leave, or we talk about this. He’s doing a very good job of showing himself out already with his behavior.

  3. yup, there’s a bunch of tweets viral atm of women waxers, masseuses, estheticians etc sharing their horror stories & why they no longer take men as clients.

  4. All you can do is support her and tell her You are there for her. If you forbid this she will double down. I'd srsly wonder though what kind of husband i married supporting a bully and what men i raised


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