I 26f found out my boyfriend 28m is married. Should I tell her and ruin her new family?

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met my boyfriend about 7-8 months ago and we made things “exclusive” about 2 months in. I noticed he was acting strange about two months ago but he works in law enforcement (in my town) so I thought maybe something happened that was bothering him.. turns out, that was when his wife delivered their first baby.. I found out due to an innocent that happened with another officer and because he was acting strange, googled his name and found an obituary with his name and his wife's name on it, found her Facebook and saw their newborn baby. I didn't tell him that I knew he was married and just ended the relationship saying I was unhappy. My question is, should I tell her and destroy the family she just started or keep this to myself and just let him go (I do not want him at all after finding out this information). What would you do in my shoes?

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4 thoughts on “I 26f found out my boyfriend 28m is married. Should I tell her and ruin her new family?

  1. I think acknowledging her frustration would have helped. It's easy to get defensive. You may not thinking was important to show some manners, but it wouldn't have hurt to at least feign interest for ten seconds.

    Communication is key. You could have told her you weren't feeling weel and need to lie down.

    She shouldn't have come after you like that and reprimanded you like a child, either. But maybe it was a new friend she just met? She may have been trying to make a good impression. If it's a friend you know, then it's less important for formalities. But overall, eye contact and a greeting was the bare minimum in this situation.

  2. Why do you need to go to the wedding? Let her go alone. If you snoop again and catch her in another lie, leave if it bothers you.


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