I (43M) found out my wife (33M) is in over £10k of debt. What should I do?

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About 5 months ago, I noticed that my wife's spending habits had changed dramatically. After a lot of prodding, she told me that she had 6k of debt on credit cards.

I could account for 4k that she spent on her flight and emergency accommodation when we were on holiday and our daughter got chicken pox (2k was on accommodation that insurance covered, The other 2k on her flight that I said I would pay for.. That's 4k in total).

After querying the remaining 2k she admitted that she gambled the rest away. This pissed me off no end, however I told her I would give her 4k and she would have to sort the rest out her self. I then made sure she joined an organisation than stops her from registering or gambling live. I thought this was the end of the matter….

Last night, I was about to send her the 4k and take 2 of the 3 credit cards off her. (So she couldn't get back into debt on them). When I asked her to show me all her balances and interest rates so she could use the 4k to clear the ones with the highest interest rates. This is when I found out she actually has 10.5k worth of debt. I'm absolutely fuming. Not sure what to do.

I have the money to clear it all for her. But on principle I dont think I should. Total debt is just north of £10.5 k..

Upon coming home, when I asked her how she was spending her money she then told me she actually has 4 credit cards.

Now I have to mention that 2 years ago I gave her £5k to clear debt, and a further £2k to put in our daughters.saving account (which she spent).

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