Iluvsaffire Bleu on-line sex chats for YOU!

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here for a good time NOT a longtime

9 thoughts on “Iluvsaffire Bleu on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Why are you with someone so fiscally irresponsible and why did you marry her to begin with?

    Cut up her cc and have her use cash only until the cc is paid off. 10k in cc debt she's probably paying more in interest than payment and with her continued spending she will never pay it off. It's also a huge waste of money paying all that interest.

    Her attitude about money and raining on her parade qoyld be enough to call it quits. You will never be able to retire if you stay married to her and you will accumulate more and more debt.

  2. You’re young, so I get it. But men aren’t the crazed sex animals people say they are. There will be days that they don’t want to have sex, even if their drive is higher than yours.

    If you’re together long enough, there will be plenty of times you both turn it down.

  3. I’ve asked him if he was gay, because it was kinda suspicious honestly! He was so mad and he said he wasn’t gay and if I ask him he won’t talk to me. I don’t think he’s gay but it did come across my mind. I’m just thinking maybe he just doesn’t like me all that much honestly

  4. I had private school loans. I refinanced them or otherwise rolled them into a federal loan. Then I was eligible for public loan forgiveness if I worked at a non profit or government job. I see no reason that she can’t do that too. Also if she has little income the public loan forgiveness payments will be uber low.

  5. Honestly the thing most about exes is them constantly asking for sexy pics or kink specific pics/videos. Nothing turns me on less than a guy going, “show me your tits or you masturbating.” Like dude. That's just mood killing.

    My current partner doesn't ask for pics, and I don't ask him for any. I send them when I feel confident, he sends them when he likes. We respect each others time and moods.

  6. Thank you for your comment, it is very helpful. Everything was getting overwhelming, that the idea of taking things one by one completely slipped my mind. I will speak to CAB to get the idea of what help I could get and then have a chat with financial advisor. He’s not a bad person, he cares and helps whenever I ask him, but there is something that’s telling him to do these bad decisions and keep it to himself, instead of asking for advice beforehand.

  7. Okay, time to rip the bandaid off. Your husband is a pedophile. And the scariest thing about this is that we're talking about a guy who likes underage girls who at least appear to be on the cusp of being legal adults. And, as infuriating as it is, the latter is a very common fantasy for men, as disgusting as it is to most of us.

    Your husband isn't just attracted to underage girls. He's attracted to girls who are possibly prepubescent. And one thing about pedophiles is they tend to never admit to the worst of it. So if he's telling you they're 12 year olds, chances are that's the oldest he goes. So we're definitely talking about someone who likes children who haven't hit puberty yet.

    Let me make sure that I am being perfectly clear here, this is worst case scenario. His being attracted to such young girls is not normal, it's not healthy, it's not acceptable.

    But on top of that, we're not talking about someone who is deeply ashamed of who they are attracted to. Someone who is a pedophile but is desperately trying to resist that urge. We're talking about someone who is actively engaging in this disturbing attraction. Someone who is sexualizing young girls. Someone who is deliberately going out of their way to do engage in this disgusting attraction without crossing the line into committing a crime.

    This is what he is admitting to. And from what I've witnessed from others in situations like this, there is a strong possibility that he's hiding things. Things he would never admit to his wife for obvious reasons.

    You should alert the authorities, chances are any child porn is hidden and if you look for it on your own you could destroy evidence. Sadly, chances are the police won't be able to do much.

    As for your marriage? There's no coming back from this, and deep down you know it. Please find a therapist who specializes in situations like this. And start separating yourself from your husband as cleanly as possible.

  8. This is all 100% bullshit. Absolute bullshit. Involuntary 51-50s DO NOT HAPPEN if someone is NOT a danger to themselves or others. Fuck all the way off. If this is somehow true, you couldn't have just used your fucking words to communicate with her? Ask her “hey what's going on?”

  9. I didn’t cheat on my bf but we mutually broke up and then I was hospitalized several times within a month. He definitely did not come to see me. But I didn’t ask him either, cause that’s weird. He probably would of if I asked but who knows. He’s basically a stranger to me by now, I don’t know him anymore


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