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9Kilya & Adele telegram: popshhhik, 18 y.o.
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To Start live video press there
ilya & Adele telegram: popshhhik, 18 y.o.
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To Start live video press there
he’s done so much to help me, he’s done things and treated me better than anyone else besides having issues with what i do. idk. i know i prob sound dumb
You should Not leave it alone.It will get only worse.I would distance myself from him and tell him i want to be alone and think about relationship.Give him the taste of same medicine, it was hurtful!Not to mention pregnancy.Sorry, but he seems selfish and irresponsible
he just wanted to leave and this served his purpose.
Ask if you can take the dogs but otherwise your going to have to leave them sorry
Couples therapy
You're both cheaters. Why try to salvage this mess of a relationship? Just tell him the truth, you're resentful and did it to get back at him and even the score. Then separate.
“what you are told on here” doesn't really mean shit. It's all just a bunch of anecdotal BS most of the time, even now. This is also defeatist and screams I have no self esteem. I have similar issues, once you do find a guy that likes you you'll hang on to him like grim death even if he treats you bad. Seriously, find a hobby, embrace art, something you are good at. Everyone has a thing they are good at. Even if it's just puzzles, lifting weights, or reading books. It's all about self worth because right now potential partners can tell you don't think you have any.
I don’t think there is a solution other than finding someone who better matches your sex drive.
I really hope he leaves you. So truely sound like a bad human being. Everything you have said so far makes sound absolutely awful.
No. Consent must never be assumed. It, by definition. Must be initiated. Its funny, whenever people say, “while were teaching women how not to be assaulted, teach men not to assault,” men reply “Lol, no they know they're assaulting people, teaching them does nothing.” (See disclaimer info below).
But you've proved it right! OP specifically said that the entire night, he had not initiated any sexual action toward her. And you're right. Hes not a mindreader. ? That means, he should have asked first!
Almost like he should know that consent cannot be assumed. If theres no affirmative yes or gesture or understood social agreement beforehand, there is no consent. He, by definition, assaulted her.
Disclaimer: This is not to say men cannot be assaulted and women cannot assault. This is in the context of the majority of discussions on the subject, especially surrounding the lectures and educational sessions that tend to be geared toward women on, say, college campuses.
OP, your bf is abusive. in a normal relationship, yes sure you should’ve discussed this before making a change. in this relationship? i assume you felt anxious about bringing it up in the first place, or maybe it slipped your mind to tell him, since you usually try to stay out of his way and avoid unnecessary interactions as they can lead to him getting angry and upset. that’s how i’ve felt in past abusive relationships btw. you did nothing wrong with the laundry baskets and his reaction is completely inappropriate and over the top. he is reacting abusively. i’m sorry.
OP, your bf is abusive. in a normal relationship, yes sure you should’ve discussed this before making a change. in this relationship? i assume you felt anxious about bringing it up in the first place, or maybe it slipped your mind to tell him, since you usually try to stay out of his way and avoid unnecessary interactions as they can lead to him getting angry and upset. that’s how i’ve felt in past abusive relationships btw. you did nothing wrong with the laundry baskets and his reaction is completely inappropriate and over the top. he is reacting abusively. i’m sorry.
You escalated the violence. You both didn't have the dignity to leave or the decency not to respond violently. I'm sure you're a real tough guy though.
OP, ignore this dumb-fuck's cringey little bitch advice or you'll end up in jail.
You really got to understand his choices are NOT your problem. My ex did the same thing/choices you say he does. Really you need to just tell him and be very prepared for the pissed/begging/negotiating /suicidal threat tactics he will likely use on you and dont bend