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11 thoughts on “Instagr marianasweett27 live webcams for YOU!

  1. I understand you and realise what i said wasn’t good but she spoke so much shit about her mum

    Oof, Buddy, come on, how she talks about her mom and how she prioritizes her friends over you, probably is a problem so I get why you want to bring it up, but bringing up other peoples problems to avoid being accountable for yours, thats still being defensive. And if she’s that bad and that defensive that its her that causes you to be defensive in the first place, then cut her off and block her, or you’re just doing the same shit she does. You can’t expect people to do better by you if you keep sinking to their level.

  2. That’s the thing, he broke your trust and if he wants to gain it back there are consequences and this is one. I wouldn’t let him go back because the trust in him is gone and you KNOW she will act on it especially if he gets drunk so if he wants you he has to give up some things. That is why you took him back because he will regain it and iMO this is one way but I’d let him know if he turns resentful then that will also kill a relationship quickly too

  3. No, he did cheat. While I was in another country on vacation with my mom. Met the girl at a Halloween party and brought her back to our apartment.

  4. Can/will I get over this and not be upset about it in the future? I still really like her and want to on-line a long happy life with her, I just need to be able to get over her sleeping with 3 days during our talking stage.

  5. Has he been 'blackmailing' you in writing? Like over text or email or chat?

    You do not have to leave your job and you do not have to give in to his bullying. Go to HR, your supervisor or you manager and explain what is happening. That you two have broken up, you want to continue working there and have no issues with doing so but that he is threatening you/ blackmailing you/ bullying you into quitting and you want him to stop. They'll take care of it for you.

  6. Op I’m still friends with all of my exes and I hang out with them as well. This isn’t your girlfriends problem, ITS A YOU problem. It seems like your gf has set a boundary with her exes, she’s mature enough to not let her exes get the better of her. However, you on the other hand sound incredibly insecure to the point where u feel the need to go through her phone? Pathetic. Leave if you can’t handle someone being friends with their exes…. Seriously…

  7. Thank you for your comment, and for reminding me I have a choice. Things like this can get forgotten if you’re overwhelmed!

  8. Sis, my heart hurts so badly for you right now.

    I don't know what is going on in your marriage to make you feel like you have to do this but you do NOT have to have sex with this guy and you do not have to be okay with it.

    Threesomes are not normal and it is certainly not normal in a monogomous relationship for a spouse to want to watch their spouse engage in sexual activity with another person. Even worse, my concern for you is what this is going to do to you. You do this once, what happens next time your husband wants you to sleep with another person? Where do you draw the line?

    You draw the line HERE. You draw the line here with a firm no. You do not want to have sex with his friend and you flat out tell him you are not interested in a non-monogomous relationship and to stop bugging you about it. You tell his friend the same thing. And, quite honestly, you seriously think about whether your husband is the man youthought he was.

  9. I was on board with giving her another chance before seeing this. Now I’d run not walk. K is serious shi* and there’s no way to know what’s actually being ingested. She seems to need drugs to have a good time and that could kill her.


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