Its_kaai on-line sex chats for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “Its_kaai on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. If the car is in your name you have leverage. Tell her that if she doesn't start paying for it then you are going to sell it because you can't afford to pay for it anymore.

    You can not afford to support your family. None of this money is yours. Every time they bring up money, explain that you only have your income and your partner's money is not yours.

  2. Yeah you're correct, but you're talking about avoidance – I relapsed while in this relationship; would you recommend ending the relationship then?

  3. He wants to fuck other girls and wanted to see if he can do it above the table. Just leave before he cheats.

  4. Children and adults want to win at least 1/3 of the times in order to keep playing with the other person.

    If it makes her happy for you to take a loss once in a while, it's no harm done.

  5. Why would you stay with someone who yells all the time? It’s uncouth and nothing to do with any race or culture, just their family. It is not a healthy way of dealing with emotion. Just tell him to do one.

  6. Good call.

    If you let her know you suspect she’s cheating, she’s going to cover her tracks.

    First thing you do is speak to a lawyer. They’ll tell you how to go about this to protect yourself and set you up with an investigator. Go through your options with them and go from there.

    Sorry man

  7. Agreed. Theres a dude in my office who's barely said 2 words to me…but body language, eye contact etc are a thing. Women have a sixth sense about these things.


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