Ivan! everyday live!!9 am + 6 gmt the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Ivan! everyday on-line!!9 am + 6 gmt, 28 y.o.


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Ivan! everyday live!!!9 am + 6 gmt live sex chat

18 thoughts on “Ivan! everyday live!!9 am + 6 gmt the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. “Her shorts are too short and it makes me upset” womp womp don’t date attractive women then if you’re upset about people looking??? Lmao!

  2. Lol had this happen once. Tried warning a girl my ex saw 2 weeks after the break up respectfully hoping to spare her problems. Instead she gave me a talk that she’ll love him no matter the red flags and him messaging me to back off so I let it go. 2 months later she’s posting of being broken and a mess while he’s already dating another girl, one of the ones he was cheating on with probably too. 2nd new girl should have got a tip off when he brought her with him to pay me money he owed me from months ago. She didn’t, I think that didn’t last a month or so either, no clue after that lol. Not my problem.

  3. There is a simple solution to this “problem”. I am in my 30s and in a very happy relationship for many years. Let's turn the tables on the porn perspective for a second and let me share a real scenario.

    I saw her watching porn and like all porn videos, the guy had a MASSIVE, like 12 inch dong. As all male porn stars do. I unfortunately do not have that.

    In that scenario I had 2 choices. Get insecure.. raise a problem.. and shame her for fantasizing about the massive dick on the screen and playing alone when I'm just in the other room. Or, I could put my insecurities aside and say hey.. fml it's so very hot seeing you like that.. lay down and join in on her fun. In my early 20s I would have chose option A and felt inadequate. But I'm over those days, so I got in bed with her and we had an amazing time, while the video was still playing.

    There's lots of layers to this type of thing obviously if you're dead against porn and your partner doesn't respect it that's a problem. But otherwise, it's possible to turn it into a positive thing by not being threatened by it and just loving yourself, communicating with your partner and having fun

  4. Depending on your age and determination to stay with this woman, have a dr. freeze your sperm for future use and get a vasectomy.

  5. She thought he cheated on her while she as pregnant with his child – of course she didn't want him in the room during a serious medical procedure. Watching your partner give birth is not a right and it's not a slight if the person going through the hours long grueling and potentially life threatening procedure doesn't want you in there.

    He shouldn't focus on meeting another woman at all – he should work through this with a therapist so he doesn't bring these hurt feelings into another relationship and hurt someone else because he's hurting.

  6. Hello /u/Any-Persimmon2632,

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  7. I mean it couldn’t have been too obvious for you since this isn’t the first time you’ve been in this type of situation. I hope this time you learn from it. Just don’t send anymore nudes and if you do, never show your face or anything distinguishable. And definitely don’t send anything if they won’t send you something.

  8. By all means, stick around and learn to enjoy his behavior. If his drinking kills him, don’t worry—your refusal to leave will mean that you’ll have a son-in-law just like him, soon enough.

  9. Yeesh! What an awful situation you're in. Personally, I've never been in a situation like this before but have no idea if this idea is of any use. Have you considered talking to her about getting therapy or going into rehabilitation. Surely if she has attempted 3x you could get her admitted as a danger to herself. Or when you break up with her the next time mention your worries to her family or close friends to see if they can stay with her until her mental health recuperates.

    But in the long run, if anything does happen to her you really can't blame yourself. If she's doing this then it's not because of you ending the relationship. There are no doubt other things going on in her head adding to these suicidal thoughts.

    Sorry if this isn't much help..pretty wild situation.

  10. Cheating is a naked boundary and break-up/divorce worthy for many people, because it's many red flags and trust breaches wrapped up in one. It's not “just” cheating. It's also lying, potentially putting your health at risk (get tested ASAP), not respecting you and your relationship, not communicating any problems, possibly making you a laughing stock in her/your joint friend circle and so much more.

    See if you can get an annulment, otherwise I would start divorce proceedings. If she can't be faithful 2 months into your marriage, how is it going to be any better 2, 5, 10 years into the future?

    I would also suggest therapy to help you navigate this situation and move on as smoothly as possible.

  11. She enjoys occasionally being railed with a giant dildo that stays naked forever. You can freak out about it, or you can deal with it. If you choose to deal with it, you could occasionally rail her with a strap on or penis extender. And remember that a dildo will never love her.

  12. I think i always like a bit sociable, extroverted people so that might be why.

    Well – there you go. Have you ever considered that you two are not compatible ? If the relationship makes you feel weird you really shouldn't waste your time or his time as well.

  13. If your done… Be done. It's sounds like you are past the point of couples therapy, and he is late to the changing party. Pretty common in divorce.


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