jane the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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jane, 21 y.o.


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9 thoughts on “jane the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. At my age 21 I do think it’s kinda normal for guys to talk about that stuff but at 31 feel it’s a little childish.

  2. You need to really just stop. I’m sorry but after seeing your ages this post makes me furious. Step off your high horse. You are not a college advisor. You are not an administrator from a medical school. He is 18. If his heart is really passionate about moving toward medicine then there are ways to better support his dreams. He can go to CC to build his GPA and transfer to undergrad and work from there. The fact he’s in CC is commendable. You need a reality check.

    If he doesn’t want to go into the medical field he could try for healthcare administration and so on. There are plenty of fields for people to enter if they aren’t strong in math or science. You need to do better and I’m honestly amazed how confident you sound at 18. Finish college first. And why is this even stressing you out so much? Are you his mother?

  3. I honestly have never believed this excuse that people stay in a relationship they don’t wanna be in cause they need to help the other person. To me, I always assume they really are just more afraid to be single or alone.

  4. OP, you're in an abusive relationship. There's no fixing this. You need to get out. Going to couples' therapy with an abusive partner doesn't help, it only makes the abuse worse. You're making excuses for his behavior, but there are none. You're in danger, living with him. Hitting things escalates to hitting people. Read the book Why Does He Do That, it's available for free online. Please, take care of yourself ♥️

  5. The former unfortunately, my friend expressed that she found him good looking and I suggested it… 🙁 Idiotic I know lol.


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