JaneMoone on-line webcams for YOU!

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13 thoughts on “JaneMoone on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Please don’t get a woman fired for being attractive. She isn’t the problem. Your husband is the problem and you know it.

  2. Hello /u/Middle-Efficiency121,

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  3. Shut up. Turn off reddit. Go ask. Or I will put a curse on you, Alan.

    (How cool would it be if you were called Alan.)

    No but for real tho mark(?) Go ask her. I will be waiting for an update. And if it doesn't come I promise to spam you with boomeresque minion memes until you do.

  4. You're welcome. Also, i don't mean to imply you do expect, I'm just not trying to give anybody false dreams & hopes when i tell them it's a good chance, you know? Good luck, really, it is super confusing. I wish i could say it gets easier but I'd be a damn liar.

  5. Of course you don’t marry her. Sex is part of a healthy relationship. Touch is vital. I’m stunned that she would ask that of you. You aren’t even a tiny bit wrong. I’m sorry this didn’t work out but you need to move on.

  6. just listen to how women talk among themselves. it is often a free for all of joyful interrupting.

    very dif from guys, who usually feel disrespected when interrupted

  7. I don't think that there is anything wrong with choosing to keep someone as a friend after they reject you because friendship isn't some lesser prize. So I agree with you there.

    However, this is wildly unhealthy. It's not even the calling and spending a lot of time together. It's the constant texting and calling and policing where you are like she can't go one day without speaking to you. I would call that clingy in any relationship, romantic or platonic.

    It's the repeatedly bringing up that she “can't” have feelings for you (Why is that exactly? Because she is behaving in the complete opposite.) Because why would you do that? Keep reminding someone you “can't” see them romantically and rubbing glass in the wound? I also feel like it doesn't really give you the chance to completely move past those romantic feelings because she is bringing them up and reinforcing their existence in a way. Keeping you on the hook, so to speak.

    Maybe it's me but I do find it kinda weird to end phone calls with I love you with friends. I suppose that I do the same myself but it's usually worded differently than it was with my ex fiancee. Like “love ya buddy!!” vs “I love you.” Again it's almost like she keeps acting like it's a relationship knowing you have feelings and for the life of me I cannot understand why she would encourage that knowing that she apparently “can't” reciprocate.

    Even if this relationship were romantic already I would say it is becoming unhealthy. It actually already started in a very unhealthy place because whether or not she wants to admit it, what she started with you was very much an emotional affair.

    But calling your partner repeatedly when they don't answer and sending walls of text about how wonderful they are is very clingy. The amount of codependency being displayed here is not positive for any relationship, romantic or platonic.

    You two are bordering on enmeshment. I think that you need to set some clear boundaries both for yourself and her and stick to them.

    I don't know if you're acting this way because a part of you is hoping that she will change her mind on the romantic aspect but it will be extremely difficult for you to find an actual partner in the future if you continue in the exact fashion as you are now. Boundaries. Stick to them. Because this kind of wrapping yourself up in another person (even if you were dating) is unhealthy.

  8. I'm neither married nor have kids, but I couldn't be with anyone who made plans to cheat on me. And to be that guy.. I'd have to know if my kids were my kids if my wife was so nonchalant about cheating for the first time.

  9. I see that now and I feel horrible for doing it. I will definitely do that because I really do care a lot about him and only want him to be happy. I will move on. Thank you.


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