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10 thoughts on “JazminRogers live webcams for YOU!

  1. I did talk to her and she did it anyways. If she’s going to kiss on these women and eat them out I don’t want to have sex with her or or kiss her because they could have something that’s the main reason why I said that. I don’t kiss anyone or give oral

  2. A lock or a doorstop is a good idea, but You should get a camera as a safeguard. Make sure no one knows you have it and make certain that it is hidden somehow so that the creep won't notice it.

  3. Starting to get now that I shouldn't have chosen to online with Polly, but I didn't know my girlfriend was uncomfortable with it until after we'd signed the contract.

  4. He sounds amazing tbh, don’t listen to her. Just cause she doesn’t find him attractive doesn’t mean he isn’t. My best friend and I have completely different taste in men. But I would never tell her that her man was “fugly” (really. Fugly? How old is this woman) and she doesn’t say that about my husband. She’s just a real shit friend and you deserve better friends

  5. He’s mad you’re not more upset because he fancies himself to be all that and a bag of chips. You being unbothered says to him he’s not worth you being angry over. It’s his bruised ego in action.

  6. Coming in after the update that husband and fran are having an affair…

    First off, that sucks astronomically. Be strong for yourself and your kid, OP. I hope you have a good support network you can fall back on.

    R/survivinginfidellity (hope I spelled that right, on my phone typing this) is a sub-editor dedicated to what you're going through. Might want to check there too.

    I'd suggest getting a full work std test done as quickly as possible. Including bloodwork. You never know what “gifts” these two passed on to you.

    I'd also figure out what my exit strategy is. Only you can decide if you want to try and save your marriage. But it takes two people to make a marriage work.

    Only you know your husband well enough to figure out if he's actually remorseful or if this is just the one where he got caught.

    I'm firmly in camp “Once a cheater, always a cheater.” But Reddit is pretty black and white. The real world is all kinds of shades of grey.

    I would suggest talking to a divorce lawyer, though. Just to have options. And see about locking down your credit, any shared finances etc. Don't let husband screw you over financially, too.

  7. What was the argument about, was your apology genuine, and why are you so convinced he's upset if he says he's fine?

  8. I understand that, and I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking that. However, I don't know how to tell him that. No matter how I word it, it sounds really bad. I just look at the title of my own post, and think it is a shitty thing to tell your partner

  9. Have you guys talked about this?

    I'm an idiot when it comes to noticing people showing interest or flirting with me, but even I would be suspicious or feel uncomfortable if a lady friend of mine invited me out to group activities that consistently turned out to be one on one hangouts.

    I think the first step is to communicate with each other and get on the same page. Obviously this behavior is suspicious, bordering on inappropriate and if your BF agrees then you can both take steps together to set boundaries with this friend. If your Bf doesn't agree that this is a problem then you have bigger issues, but you can cross that bridge when you get to it.


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