Are you really trying to tell me children of divorced parents don't lash out? Cause I can throw a dozen or more links to publications at you to show you that's utter and complete bullshit. In what aspect did you work with those kids?
Divorce is traumatic to kids. Kids can act out in a trauma, regardless of how they were brought up.
Also parenting can conflict in a divorce where one party disciplines and the other does not. This is very common.
You do not have children, so unless you have a degree in child psychology, you shouldn't really speak on something you don't know anything about.
Personally I don't think so. It is reasonable to expect your partner keeps you informed on where they are, it isn't like you are demanding he tells you his location every 10 minutes
I guess maybe I’m finding out I’m wrong. But I just want to clarify more. Right now currently, I cannot trust that her friends will not try something or do something that could be a catastrophe. I only say this because of the multitude of the times it has happened and I was right beforehand and the amount of hurt she received but for some reason she keeps going back in thinking that this guy friend will be different and such. And to preface she has way more guy friends than girl and that’s just how she is I don’t find anything sus with that, it’s why I love her so much and why we click. I just don’t find it comfortable that she is doing this all over again especially on a cruise where there is a lot of night activities and very low accountability for her guy friends. I trust that if they tried something she would do right but she has been nearly raped multiple times because of her “friends” putting her into terrible situations and her clawing her way out. So yeah, if im controlling im controlling but I can’t say it’s for no reason.
Don't show your cards as yet.
Are you really trying to tell me children of divorced parents don't lash out? Cause I can throw a dozen or more links to publications at you to show you that's utter and complete bullshit. In what aspect did you work with those kids?
Divorce is traumatic to kids. Kids can act out in a trauma, regardless of how they were brought up.
Also parenting can conflict in a divorce where one party disciplines and the other does not. This is very common.
You do not have children, so unless you have a degree in child psychology, you shouldn't really speak on something you don't know anything about.
no point fighting to stay together if your fighting alone!
Your fiancé cheated.
You lot sound exhausting.
Not if it happened to him before. Takes a while to trust people again after such a betrayal.
Personally I don't think so. It is reasonable to expect your partner keeps you informed on where they are, it isn't like you are demanding he tells you his location every 10 minutes
I guess maybe I’m finding out I’m wrong. But I just want to clarify more. Right now currently, I cannot trust that her friends will not try something or do something that could be a catastrophe. I only say this because of the multitude of the times it has happened and I was right beforehand and the amount of hurt she received but for some reason she keeps going back in thinking that this guy friend will be different and such. And to preface she has way more guy friends than girl and that’s just how she is I don’t find anything sus with that, it’s why I love her so much and why we click. I just don’t find it comfortable that she is doing this all over again especially on a cruise where there is a lot of night activities and very low accountability for her guy friends. I trust that if they tried something she would do right but she has been nearly raped multiple times because of her “friends” putting her into terrible situations and her clawing her way out. So yeah, if im controlling im controlling but I can’t say it’s for no reason.