Jia-lisssa live sex chats for YOU!

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4 thoughts on “Jia-lisssa live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Women can be abusive and controlling, too.

    If you want to stay with her, couples counseling will be necessary and, maybe you should consider talking to all her past relationships to check for controlling behavior and ask her to also get therapy. Note: I am not suggesting this as a petty turning the tables thing, but because it sounds like she may be allowing Susan’s experience to influence her in unhealthy ways.

  2. No. No. If you personally want to do this then great. Do what makes you happy. But for him to ask you to get one is infuriating to me. The extra skin and small pooch as you say from having two kids should only make you more beautiful to him. I know it does for me with my wife. Your body tells the story of the life together and the two amazing children you brought into the world.

  3. Is she straight? Would you have issue if she was say… bisexual and slept in the same bed as another woman?

    I don’t really get guys, and they are the better judges of each other when it comes to this kind of thing.

    But as a kid, we have sleep overs and sleep in the same bed, some women still do. Heck, even my gays friends and I share a bed when we visit.

    So is the issue only that she’s straight and these guys are too?

    Maybe she didn’t understand this was an issue, and she could be that naive, or maybe her friendship with these guys is purely platonic. I can’t say for sure, and I don’t believe the rest of reddit can either.

    If you have an issue with her doing this, let her know. Ask her how she’d feel about some chick sleeping over in your bed with you. If she says “it’s not the same thing”, let her know it is.

    Tell her this is a boundary and if you guys are going to be in a relationship together, she doesn’t need to understand it but she does need to respect you and your feelings moving forward.

    If that isn’t a possibility for her, then unfortunately you have your answer. Someone who cannot or will not respect you and a normal boundary won’t in the future. But then this would apply across the board — no sleeping in bed with anyone but each other is a pretty good place to start.


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