If you think this meets the mark then start looking for things you can take off her plate. Or plan some together down time to reconnect.
For example, we have “date night” most Fridays. We usually play some music, have some drinks, play some cribbage and just chat. When it’s nicer out, we have a little fire outside. It’s nice to have some down time together.
Men have adjusted to new roles. In my last relationship I did 70% of the cooking (something I'm good at and actually enjoy) and more than my share of household chores and upkeep. I kept up both cars, etc. A man's work doesn't end at his paycheck.
He is playing games with you and maybe himself as well. To get perspective and perhaps meet the next love of your life you need to tell him not to contact you anymore.
Wonder what his wife thinks about all this or does she even know….
This is an absolute no go for me. She will have to cut all contact and understand why this is unacceptable behavior for a married woman.
What if you were doing what she’s doing, how would she perceive it…
Just because he “just” discovered he likes dick, doesn't mean he gets a free pass to cheat. I hate when bi people pull this shit.
If you think this meets the mark then start looking for things you can take off her plate. Or plan some together down time to reconnect.
For example, we have “date night” most Fridays. We usually play some music, have some drinks, play some cribbage and just chat. When it’s nicer out, we have a little fire outside. It’s nice to have some down time together.
Men have adjusted to new roles. In my last relationship I did 70% of the cooking (something I'm good at and actually enjoy) and more than my share of household chores and upkeep. I kept up both cars, etc. A man's work doesn't end at his paycheck.
He is playing games with you and maybe himself as well. To get perspective and perhaps meet the next love of your life you need to tell him not to contact you anymore.