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8 thoughts on “JulyaLove live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Well….you should now. He's buying your much younger single friend sex toys…so he's thinking about her masterbating. And went shopping thinking about her using them..then didn't even tell you. Girl don't be blind

  2. Short version:

    Boyfriend's mother uses his bank account for her bills to come out of. She gets paid into her own account, then takes his bank card every week to pay cash into his account to cover said bills. This often leaves him without access to his money or makes his payments bounce. He then asks to borrow from me to cover payments, or goes on dates/shopping etc without his card, asks me to cover it until his mother pays his account.

  3. That's on her. If she allows you to protect her like a ration person do so but she needs to face the consequences of her actions. Being drunk doesn't MAKE you do anything it just removes your filter. She wanted to hit you so she hit you. Not a person I would want to be with.

    “You hit me and acted like a total psycho, instead of apologizing you act like more of an ass. This is not a relationship I care to be in anymore.” I look at dating like this its a interview for marriage. DO you want to spend the next 40 years with a person that acts like this? No you don't.

  4. Changing her number has 0 to do with cheating. That's so extra and cringe. If you don't trust her, break up with her. But it's not her job to change her phone number (which is a ginormous thing to ask someone to do) just because you're unhappy someone has her number. That's just controlling, which is a red flag on your part.

  5. I’m just going to say that as a person with autism , I have to work to not be a burden on my wife . It’s my job as a husband to try to be the best husband or spouse one can.

    Now that doesn’t mean I can’t relax and be me , it’s just means placing the burden on your spouse is only going to cause resentment down the road .

    Now my wife within the last two years has been having anxiety attacks , like full on heart beating extremely fast , sweats and hyperventilating when ever she is in tight or crowded areas . She has been going thru therapy and gone thru a bunch of anxiety meds , which once she built a resistance too made it even worse . So she had worked nude on getting off of them . She recently decided to stop taking cbd oil as one of the side effects is paranoia . And so far she has been anxiety free for 6 months . So as you now know I’m on bothsides of this issue . I hope you two work it out.

  6. [he] has even gone as far as saying he “now identifies as a white woman” when he’s literally an Indian/ Filipino guy.

    What an incredibly glib way to negate lots of people's very hard-won senses of self. It's not witty, it's not funny, and it's certainly demeaning to other people.

    You do you, but this kind of snide conversation-terminating sentiment tells on the intellectual and moral qualities of this guy and what it says ain't great.


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