Kacey-y on-line sex cams for YOU!

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3 thoughts on “Kacey-y on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Dude go for it! Sounds like you guys have known each other for a while so I'm pretty sure she knows you and likes what she sees. Don't let the negative self talk hold you back!

    Also I'm sure rationally you know this but it's about much more than looks. But on top of that not all women like men who look the same. What I'm getting at is she might think you're 10/10. My favorite boys are not the conventional definition of attractive and I know I'm not the only one.

    I also want to add that you don't both need to be career focused high achievers to be a good match. The saying opposites attract exists for a reason. I also find differences can really play off of each other well.

    I see zero reasons not to explore this. You both like each other. And as others have mentioned I think if you hold yourself back you will have regrets.

  2. You forget that you are a man, therefore a second class citizen in this matter. Unless of course she decides to keep the child. Then you must pay.


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