Karla-Saiint online sex chats for YOU!

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Oil my tits and nipple play [Multi Goal]

5 thoughts on “Karla-Saiint online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Dudeeeee, she had an alcohol problem if it got to that point. Especially if she gets this sloshed frequently.

    And people only quit when ready. If you ask and she doesn’t, guess what? Break up. She won’t change unless she’s ready.

    And I guess she’s not ready to quit drinking.

    Op, love isn’t a reason to stick around.

    Love = safe

    If you don’t feel safe, that’s not online. That’s fear.

  2. She most likely cheated, if not physical, at lrast emotionally, in my opinion both ways. She did it obviously with the girl from the pics, and after 3 mo ths she noticed the other girl was not serious and didn't want a woman with kids so she is now going to her backup plan, YOU.

    Yes, for her you are no more than a backup plan, and she prefers to stick with you than to deal with it all by herself.

    No, you shouldn't take her back, things will not be the same and you will never trust her again, and once it happens again you'll see.

  3. Litteraly so gross and I hate it ??

    But honestly using that fleshlight on the tip and ‘licking’ the rest, isn’t nearly as gross to me…and I still use the flavoured lube to negate the smell.

  4. I’m 37 and don’t make comments/jokes like this. Certainly not around daughters of friends I’ve known since they were young children. That shit is gross as fuck. My daughter is only half OP’s age, but I guarantee I’d shut that shit down in a hurry if (or sadly much more realistically, when) it happens in a few years.


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