Katie-Forman live sex chats for YOU!

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7 thoughts on “Katie-Forman live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Honestly, if she refuses to get better and look into options to make both your lives easier, you should consider ending the relationship. Although this explains her behavior and means there's a way to help her, it does not excuse it and if she refuses to change, that's her choice. She's verbally abusive and it could get worse and escalate. You're not obligated to stay with her if she's not willing to take the steps to get better, literally for herself but for your relationship too.

  2. Guy kissed you but you didn’t. So, you’re are innocent. Don’t worry. And you love your husband very much but you can’t control yourself when you are with this guy. It’s not your fault, is it?

  3. I don’t need to read more beyond the title. Fuck that. Fuck her. She either cuts it out or you cut her out of your life.

  4. Oh, and no, I didn't say you're not committed. But if you're doing the same as OP's husband and hiding it from your partner, you're a sleazebag.

  5. See if you can go to a DV shelter and don't tell anyone where you are. Including your own family since they sound like half the problem.

    You can be free and have a new life, you just need to be willing to give up this old one, which honestly sounds like a horrible life. If your fiance isn't hitting you now then he will likely start as soon as you get married. Don't marry him.

  6. It's absolutely not your fault friend! but i get what you're saying. Opening up emotionally is hard, and relationships are full of miscommunication. Best you can do is talk it out! Set aside some actual time, ask if you can talk, and really hash it out.


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