KBagzzz on-line sex chats for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “KBagzzz on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I am a girl and I wouldn't do that to guys, unless they are my bf, a very close friend that is supporting me in really tough times or a gay friend.

    You should call her out, even your friends are uncomfortable with it, you got good friends.

    She's an attention seeker, if she ain't satisfied with the attention you give her, she can seek anywhere else with someone else than you.

  2. Not to mention a cowardly way to see others. I mean, to actually go after someone already involved instead of finding someone single and not attached, is a childish bully tactic that you are suppose to grow out of.

  3. This right here. She gaslight you from the beginning. Oh it was just a kiss, which turned out to be a blowjob, which eventually you'll find out that she had sex with him. How many other times has she been lying to you, and how many other guys has to she had sex with since you've been together?

  4. Is ā€œI have ADHD and it has caused other problemsā€ code for ā€œI always ā€˜forgetā€™ to do my share of cleaning and other chores, and now she realized a piss coated shower is yet another mess of mine sheā€™s being left to clean upā€?

  5. Everyone here is saying heā€™s controlling. I donā€™t think so. I think this is simple miscommunication

    You guys are preestablished a reserve time for you guys to make plans even other plans are not officially decided. You can make plans to do something else instead of letting him know. Weā€™re asking him if you can break the agreement with him. Heā€™s not being unreasonable. You shouldā€™ve asked him if it was all right to cancel the plans with him before making the other plans

    I think the language that is used comes from your perspective. You look at it as permission and he looks at it as your breaking agreement you made with me. You have to talk with me about that first.

    Everyone here instantly jumps on the controlling bandwagon, and you donā€™t need permission and blah blah blah blah. You need to communicate. If you donā€™t, it will lead to things like this for either of you.

  6. Not a lawyer. But without a prenup, any assets you bring into the marriage are yours when you exit the marriage. That's my understanding, at least.

    It works both ways. My ex-wife brought a ton of student loan debt into the marriage and I had absolutely no responsibility for it during or after the marriage.

  7. Yes. Catholicism is one sect of Christianity, distinct from Protestantism which encompasses a whole lot of other sects like Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, etc.

    Christianity literally means a faith that believes Jesus Christ is God. Catholic falls into that group, although the rituals/etc look different than, say, Presbyterian.

  8. My partner and I had been secretly dating for months. We were in the same close friend group, and wanted to be sure this was real before announcing it to others. One day he insisted we share the news. So we did. Every one of our mutual friends found out and we were officially a couple. The next day I was confronted by a very angry woman who told me she had slept with my partner about a week before the big announcement. I confronted him and he confessed, crying and apologizing. I realized that his grand gesture had been a way of putting me in an awkward position. Had I found out about the other woman while we were still secret, breaking up would be easy. Now, with our friends all weighing in, he must have thought I'd feel pressure to stay with him. I'm wondering if your fiancĆ© did the same – proposing in front of your mom knowing she'd be thrilled to share that moment. Perhaps it was meant to corner you into staying together in case his infidelity came to light. My only advice is to not do what I did. I did stay, feeling overwhelmed and stupid, and he cheated on me several more times until eventually leaving me for another woman (who he cheated on). Focus on your mom but let him know how you feel. You have a hot road ahead of you, and you might decide it would be harder with someone you can't trust. I'm so sorry.


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