Keeetti live sex chats for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “Keeetti live sex chats for YOU!

  1. He didn’t do anything to you. You’re being aggressively clingy. 12 hours isn’t 12 days and you’re acting like it’s 12 weeks. Honestly you’re likely suffocating him and he’s enjoying not being with you.

    You need to work on this. Seriously. Anyone who is flipping out cause we haven’t talked in a number of HOURS isn’t someone I could see myself being with long term. You require entirely too much time and attention due to your insecurity. And that’s just exhausting and not worth anyone’s time.

  2. I didn't think that's what it sounds like. I've read 1000x on Reddit that SAHM should have equal access to a man's wages. So shouldn't he have equal access to hers?

  3. Why did you even marry him? He’s being lazy 100% no more sex for him unless he learns to actually give a damn

  4. Hello /u/ThrowRA246457535,

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  5. Jesus Christ dude, all this flip flopping has me dizzy.

    Why can’t you just make a decision and stick with it? The number of times you and Lily broke up and then a few weeks after telling her you want to end things, you propose?? WHAT???

    How long ago did this even happen? Why haven’t you been able to make new friends? How do you even know any of these people think about you or have a desire to reconnect??

    I need a drink after reading this.

  6. You feel contempt and feel your wife is weak. I’d say that is coming through loud and clear. But. You do understand that you are blaming your wife for a bad behavior? Two wrongs don’t make a right. Knock it off. You can only keep your side of the street clean and you aren’t doing that.

  7. Can you at least bring home some dinner next time you bring home an STI? I mean it’s the least you can do, besides not cheating and all…


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