Keila-Brooks-1 online sex chats for YOU!

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4 thoughts on “Keila-Brooks-1 online sex chats for YOU!

  1. It is not an affair. Your mom is single and dating. And that's perfectly fine. Don't snoop around in her private stuff and mind your own business.

  2. Well I mean….it may be fine for her, but it's not for you. And that matters.

    My first thought is you two are not communicating on a true, vulnerable level.

    Have you talked about your issues specifically? Not just general 'Are we good?' but 'When I try to do X, you tend to respond with Y or Z, and I feel [whatever it makes you feel].' Use 'I' statements: 'I've been feeling X lately when Y and Z happens, and I'd like to talk about it.'

    Would she be willing to go to couples counseling? How about you go to individual counseling?

  3. Well first off OP, you didn’t get rejected. Second. You made your play. Kudos there. You are not one of those guys who hides in a corner wondering what might have happened. Finally. You’re not going to succeed in everything you do. That’s life. Learn from this and move on. You made a boss move and, it would appear, it didn’t pay off (She could have been just totally taken aback by your sudden request). Back in the saddle my friend. Good luck.


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