Kelly-W1lliams live! webcams for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “Kelly-W1lliams live! webcams for YOU!

  1. You make many assumptions as well as painting me out to be a horrible person because I made my sexual needs known? You are essentially saying that I don't deserve to have my needs met? How else is someone meant to decide if they want to be in a relationship other than ask for what they want? I considered the fact that it is unfair to ask for what I want without considering what she wants so I did and I came to terms with my own issues with it. I offered to have an mmf first but I am sure that doesn't change anything because I am a man and I do not have any right to feelings according to society I am just supposed to suck it up and get over it?

  2. Women his own age wont put up with his shit. I would dump his ass. Be proud of yourself. You dont need to waste your 20s with this dude

  3. Ummm If my husband knew where the mop was i would be surprised. ??. He cleaned the kitchen yesterday because I worked even though dishes ( things he didn’t know where they go ) were on the counters i thanked him and told him it looked great. he cleans the kitchen every time he is off and i am at work I thank him every time. But, he never wipes the island down. I don’t mention it I just do it myself . I feel like if i complained about that he would get his feelings hurt because I didn’t thank him for helping around the house.. Wiping the island down is a lot less work than cleaning the whole kitchen. He also tells me “wow the house looks great when he comes home after working and i have cleaned “. Everyone like’s positive reinforcement. sounds like she has kinda given up working on things.

  4. Also, you have no idea what kind of newborn you'll be getting. I would love to say that all postpartum experiences are easy and that all babies start sleeping through the night within a matter of days, weeks, months… Unfortunately, that's simply not the reality, and your partner has to be as available to you as possible should you run into any of the common challenges that having a newborn can present.

  5. The neighbour used his picture to catfish women on Tinder for nudes. Much of the reason for the divorce ended up being how she reacted and her family assaulted him.


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