KendallGreey live sex chats for YOU!

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9 thoughts on “KendallGreey live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Sorry to break it to you but Christians cannot date non-Christians. Unlike most, their whole thing is the fact that Christianity is the ONLY truth of the universe and any other religion is in alignment with satan trying to draw people off the path to salvation.

    He is still very clearly blinded by his centralist values. Doesn’t sound terribly intelligent or socially aware either. You’d be better off with someone more open and culturally educated.

    an ex-Christian of 18 years

  2. Now is the time to leave, he will never be on the same page with you regarding finances m, at best you will support the household, at worst he will dig you both so deep into a hole of debt you’ll never recover. Leave now and find someone who is more on the same plan as you. And if someone is so cagey about finances after you have been dating for a while it’s probably not a good fit for you.

  3. I would’ve thought maybe he was cutting himself, but maybe that’s not the case if you live! stated that he has no marks or wounds on him.

  4. Dude. Have you been listening to some of that rotten manosphere podcasts lately? Are they telling you you're a prize and deserve better, no matter if the equation checks out? Because you sound like someone who is filling their brain with some toxic bs about he deserves to be treated like a king for some minuscule, mediocre efforts while it's her job to take care of him and the house AND pull her weight financially. And forget the litter box and the blankets, that's chicken shit. What you listed tells us she is taking of the actual chores 90% on her own. And that is according to you.

  5. He flipped out. Over YOU not doing HIS laundry.

    Is this the life you want to live!? Break up with him yesterday and move out.

    My ex-husband expected me to do his laundry because his mother always did his laundry all the way up until he got married. Among other things he was very physically and emotionally abusive—I divorced him after 5 years. He wasn’t worth it another fucking second.

    Don’t stay with ANYONE who treats you like shit and PUNCHES an object during a raging fit for not getting their way. Next time he’s going to PUNCH YOU if you don’t leave.

  6. If you have to reign in your partner to stop flirting with other people and stomping over your boundaries- you do not have a partner.

  7. Leave this alone. Your parents’ relationship is their own business and you have no idea what conversations have happened over the last 10 years. This may already be a healed wound for them. Reopening is is selfish on your part. Go talk to a therapist.


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