Kendrafoxx live webcams for YOU!

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8 thoughts on “Kendrafoxx live webcams for YOU!

  1. You should take this as the sign it is. He's not ready for serious commitment.

    From there, you can choose to grow up and do the mature thing, like let him go or ask yourself if you are willing to wait and dig through this bullshit.

  2. Thank you for your perspective! You’re def right about his ex and about where do I see myself in 5 years with this situation. Maybe he still has some healing to do that he’s pushed down subconsciously.

  3. No! A gf would and should accept you as you are. At 18 I was living with my long term bf who loved warhammer so I painted those suckers for him! Get yourself someone who values every single part of you.

  4. Get back on birth control yesterday. Do not make another big decision like that until you have another conversation. Maybe you’ve been talking about the future in detail but somehow the timeline for the future seemed to be skipped over. You want different things and the last thing you should do right now is get married or have a baby.

    You both want to get married, sure. But this situation has shown you your values don’t align and that means you should both step back and reevaluate.


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