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5 thoughts on “Kim the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam”
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You say that you have nothing to lose, but if you value your reputation, mental health and physical safety I would strongly advise against it.
The way that you talk you come off as what I like to call a “Psycho Ex / Stalker / cyber stalker”. You have an unhealthy obsession with this man.
This man has clearly blocked you and wants nothing to do with you. You can call that a clue. No matter what you tell his current girlfriend he will not leave her for you.
Your best course of action is to forget about him entirely and move on.
The happy couple could have been in some sort of open relationship or in an on again off again relationship.
Telling this woman who you do not know and have no loyalties to will only bring her pain. This woman will not become your friend. This woman will likely block you too after he will easily convince her that you are just a psycho ex that he has blocked.
Becoming the “Other Woman” that is also a “Psycho Ex” gives both of them a murder motive. I am not saying they will murder you, but that you are giving them both a strong motive to do so.
It may not be “Murder” they come back at you with. They could do something like “Revenge Porn” instead. Would you like for all of your coworkers and family to get those pictures / videos that he surely still has of you?
The best thing you can do for all parties involved is to block him, and delete all links to him from your life and move on. He clearly does not want you in his life and any attempts to yourself back into his life after he blocked you would be catastrophic for you. The bridges are already burned. Sending in a raid after that is an invitation to retaliation.
Honesty has clarity,stop overthinking this as you already have a lot going on. Just talk to her.
The percentage of people in my medieval literature grad program who read/watched all sorts of science fiction was very probably 70%.
Everyone has an escape of some sort. Light reading, junk food for the brain, is a lot healthier than drugs or alcohol.
Well, it does change the relationship dramatically, because from now on the baby will be his first priority. You will be second. Then you will be forced to step parent his child withsome one else. I was adamant when I was dating, no one with kids….If you are ok, then maybe not so bad, but the first few years every time the girl says jump the baby, he will go…
What if you NEED a monagamous partner?