Koritohii on-line sex chats for YOU!

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8 thoughts on “Koritohii on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Then do right by your baby. As somebody who has a husband who is also a wonderful person when sober and I love very much, I recognize that “the alcohol/drugs were to blame” doesn’t change what actually happens. If you have faith in him getting clean and being a good father and partner, great! But if you’re insistent on being a mother, it’s time to start being one. Do not bet this infants well-being on things being different when he gets out. Prisons don’t actually reform, they more often make a problem worse. You think his drug issues won’t get worse in prison?

    Your mom is doing what you should be doing-protecting her child. The difference is your child isn’t old enough to make their own decisions or get away from harm.

    At the very least, you should be demanding your husband start a drug rehab program the moment he is out. However really you should also move in with your mom for the time being, and provided he is actually working the program he can be at the birth and once he’s been clean and sober and working with a drug counselor for multiple months then you all move back in together. With the understanding that if he is ever tempted by drugs ever again, the only acceptable response is to dive full force back into recovery support. And that no violence will ever be permitted ever again towards anybody.

    I don’t have kids, but my husband of a decade has been struggling with alcohol abuse for a long time, and full blown alcoholism since COVID. After two VERY long and bad years and lots of false starts to sobriety, he is officially on day 4 of rehab! But he has been actively trying to beat this thing for years. His therapist once explained it to me this way: from a biological perspective, the part of the brain that is responsible for thoughts like “of course I love my wife and would never want to hurt her or lie to her or make our lives worse!” is literally the same part that drugs and alcohol distort. When the addiction kicks in That part of their brain is literally getting hijacked. On one hand, that makes those of us that love them feel reassured that it’s not really them that is saying or doing these things. But on the other hand, those things are still happening and it is still up to the addict to Recognize that this is unacceptable and the only way to avoid it is to get sober and clean.

    I recommend finding an on-line Smart Recovery Friends & Family meeting and just sit in and listen to a call or two. It’s similar to Al-Anon, but I found that these tend to have more people impacted by drug use, vs AlAnon that’s mostly loved ones of those who abuse alcohol. You have nothing to lose by just listening for an hour. See what you relate to. See how it makes you feel. And ask yourself if you’re willing to let your child become someone that has to attend these meetings to get support for having a dad that does drugs and gets violent. Because their mom didn’t put her foot down and insist he go get the real help to get his shit together before he was allowed to be an involved parent, and instead just went off faith that he will somehow over come it on his own, even though that’s virtually impossible.

    Your mom is terrified for the future of her child and grandchild, and for good reason.

  2. Yes they are right. You are thinking of yourself and not your wife. You didn’t even think of how your wife would have to have a hole slit into her arm to remove the Nexplanon. And the hell it is to even find someone who will remove it (that’s what happened to me). You’re worried about yourself and what you want.

    It’s her body, she chooses what she puts in it whether it be the pill, an IUD or even a fucking baby.

  3. Are you sure he cheated?

    Could he be trying to push you away so that you’re not watching him die? Men can be stupid and think that they’re ’saving you from pain’.

    Double check.


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