lallymoonlive sex stripping with hd cam

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Room for on-line sex video chat lallymoon

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Birth Date: 2003-10-10

Body Type: bodyTypeAverage

Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite

Hair color: hairColorBlonde

Eyes color: eyeColorGreen

Subculture: subcultureHousewives

14 thoughts on “lallymoonlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. With that mentality OP you'll be proving yourself at every turn. Choose yourself, your mental health is at stake. Tell him what he wants to hear, ok you think I cheated, great, go with that story. I'm done here and leave it alone. You know the truth…

    People like him always want to find fault. If it's not that, he will say “why did you give him your number, why did you shake hands, why did you look at him” etc etc it won't stop. Also why is he acting his shoe size fighting every guy talking to you? He will get knocked out one day and blame you for that.. smh yeah I'd dip n not put anymore effort into it..

  2. Wow, there's a fucking perfect unicorn in here y'all! Everyone listen to this person who has no advice to give but comes to the relationship advice sub to give shitty “advice” just bc they had it naked.

  3. If you're not all in and ready for it yourself. Its going to be a heart wrenching fireball.

    This type of thing is really not made for everyone and if you have second thoughts or the possibility of not being on board its best to cut your losses now. If you are to stay, all you can really do is close your eyes and hope that he really means it when he says its not emotional and if you go along with it, pray he's not like 99% of the posts here where the relationship gets opened and hes upset that you're getting more action than him.

    Its not impossible. But just from what i keep seeing, the only people who should be in an open relationship together are people who are both aggressively into it themselves.

  4. Sorry I meant it’s a gray area in terms of the severity of it as a sin. I always thought you did it once and had to confess to a bishop, if you read lds sub Reddit threads on the topic and asking a bishop about it as an adult, it seems to be a sometimes you do sometime you don’t need to confess issue, without any clear guidelines for priesthood leaders (unless pornography is involved in which case you defiantly need to confess)

  5. We never went, mostly because I didn’t think we actually had much in common if we did go I would invite my wife.

  6. Hold the fucking phone, let me see if I understand you correctly….you looked through his drawers, found random pills, used Google, took the pills yourself, and now are accusing him of drugging you?

  7. Listen you just got a glimpse of who he really is if you don’t like it you need to leave quickly because that is not going to change

  8. So even without the recent back surgery, your wife wants you to – what? “Defend her honor”? Against what? She was the raging lunatic in this situation. So what, you're supposed to get yourself killed because she's ridiculous? So her self-preservation is so non-existent, she wants to extend it to you? What on earth sort of universe is this woman living in, where her “honor” is more important than your health, completely leaving out the fact that – again – SHE WAS IN THE WRONG?!

    NTA. Your wife needs to get her head checked.

  9. Ummm. Why is she friends with homophobic people?

    Technically yes it is your fault they dumped her but I think they would have found another reason sooner or later…


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