LannaRob live sex cams for YOU!

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12 thoughts on “LannaRob live sex cams for YOU!

  1. If he can’t commit to living together there is no way he will fill the commitment of raising children. You will basically be a single parent, responsible for 100% of the kid’s needs while he drops by occasionally to play with the kids, make a mess, and have you provide sexual services.

  2. Believe me brother I've tried to make it an activity. She always just says she's tired and asks me to do it for the past few months. I love her but I can't keep this up any longer. There's a difference between compromising and settling with the outcome.

  3. I don't know, if it's been good so far I would say not to give up on him just because of his social media etiquette.

    I mean maybe he is just excited because he likes you so far. Yes it's a little strong.

    To me I say just keep your eyes open don't give up yet.

  4. I agree with you that it's not great behavior, but you didn't really communicate this boundary before so I think it's absurd for you to get mad at him about it. If you have a problem with it, you need to speak up early.

    I also think this behavior goes both ways, by the way. If he doesn't get to drool over insta models, you don't get to drool over Ryan Reynolds or Bieber or BTS or whatever heartthrob dude is popular now.

  5. u/Puzzleheaded_Line210, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  6. Well, that's kinda the point of sharing ones opinion. He won't necessarily take my anecdotal experience, for sure, but it's another perspective. Isn't that the whole point of sharing ones experience? Also, marriage is an institution that encompasses the children and a myriad of other systems, such as financial, social, and emotional. That's why the betrayal is even deeper and more dynamic. OP doesn't sound as if he has a moral compass, so I doubt he will take my experience as useful, anyway.

  7. She needs a therapist.

    She may have real problems but she’s completely unwilling to do anything to change her circumstances. It’s perfectly normal for you to be tired of hearing her moan about it.

    Sit down and make it clear you’re burnt out

  8. This is similar to how I found out my husband was cheating. Wish I’d investigated before asking him as it just gave him more time to lie and make an idiot of me.

  9. I care about animals. I’m not hurting them. I just don’t want them in my house. Do you pick up every stray cat you see and bring it home?


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