Laralittle online sex chats for YOU!

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20 thoughts on “Laralittle online sex chats for YOU!

  1. So from the post it would seem you should leave him. However I wonder how much of this is caused by your former jealousy towards his other friends. Other than that you haven't really described him as a person and how was your relationship in general going. These are relevant informations.

  2. Oh I hope things are better for you now. I am not sure what is the best way to deal with this. I know I can't change a person but it's not that bad like he cheats on me or abuses me so I have no reason to leave. But I regret of wasting my time making him realize marriage also comes with responsibility

  3. cmon dude. she’s right. stop picking and choosing over your partners barriers and let that random female friend go.

    unless you’re really willing to lose her? how would you feel if she consistently ditched you and defended her “best” guy friend?

  4. Hello /u/punk_00,

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  5. It sounds like the “friend” wouldn't show the lead up messages so you are probably at least partly correct and based on what we've heard about her personality, it seems on character. Still heartbreaking that fiance fell for it, hook, line and sinker.

  6. As someone who has a lot of relatives who are addicts, no, it’s not my responsibility to stop that. They’re adults making choices and sometimes people make horrific choices due to addictions, but there’s very little you can actually do unless they themselves want to change.

  7. Yes. You are being overly dramatic. You didn’t even remember the date until he mentioned it. Assuming never works. He’s not a mind reader.

  8. Divorce, but for real, was she stuck under the bed or something, you know step-bros are bound by otherworldly laws, if they're called to help a stuck step-sister, they have to do it or she will be stuck there forever and nothing else helps.

  9. This! You can't spend your life tiptoeing around someone who refuses to be honest. Move out and move on. Tell him his secrecy makes you not trust him and that makes you not respect him.

    If it is nothing more than emotional immaturity, and I doubt it is that simple, it is still too much for a healthy marriage.

    Assume that if he is hiding things from you he knows you would leave if you knew those things. Take that information and leave.

  10. I guess that may be what I’m doing I’m really not sure what my feelings are but idk I do still love her and yeah I’ve never been alone im also just super scared I’ll regret all this

  11. He hasn’t hit you YET. He controls and intimidates you with his violent confrontations then he has you thinking that it’s YOUR fault when he is the only one responsible for his behavior. Nope, you’re making excuses for him

  12. I did a masters and PhD through my 20s and it DID feel like arrested development. Sure I immediately felt a contrast to the undergrads and could have great professional, platonically friendly relationships with my professors, but I look back at my emotional and psychological stare and I was absolutely a lot less emotionally mature than now that I’m out school.

  13. It's your choice:

    A couple of years of paying your lease out while you on-line somewhere else… or… living with a rapidly progressing drug addict who is already lying to you, endangering himself, and will drag you into the pits of hell with him if you let him.

  14. He denied, started saying that could be the girl brought someone home (I don't buy it), and he said that he masturbates in the toilet which lead to a bigger fight because he doesn't sleep with me.. Fml


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