If you don’t cook for him, then you both order food. Both of you are participants in both sides of the problem, and the only way to resolve it is to stop participating.
I would explain to him that you’re tired of this dynamic and for the next 3 months you plan to meal prep for yourself, and leave him to his own meal planning. Don’t order out, and don’t cook for him.
Watch without judgement to see how he handles this. Does he learn to cook basic meals? Does he just eat out every night? Allow him to do his own exploration and find his own comfort level without providing the solution for him (I.e., don’t cook for him!).
About the relationship counseling and stuff? I'd be honest and open, and say yes you're gonna be official, but you have to work through some stuff for his own sake
Take screenshots, and logs you can, and send them his way. He may not believe you, but that is his choice.
Btw, if you care about ut so much you did it the wrong way. You could have asked her to break up with him to get with you. Then tell her already ex how it went down, and proceed to dump her.
honestly if he's that worried he could just get a vasectomy. they are reversible (unlike getting your tubes tied) and don't affect your body hormonally (unlike birth control)
It's a tough choice. You have to ask yourself which is most important to you. There are other jobs, but then, there are also other women.
She's kind of playing hardball – obviously not willing to compromise. That in itself says she's already made the decision that moving closer to her home is her choice of which is more important to her. If she's that determined, maybe she isn't really showing much respect or need for you, is she.
If you don’t cook for him, then you both order food. Both of you are participants in both sides of the problem, and the only way to resolve it is to stop participating.
I would explain to him that you’re tired of this dynamic and for the next 3 months you plan to meal prep for yourself, and leave him to his own meal planning. Don’t order out, and don’t cook for him.
Watch without judgement to see how he handles this. Does he learn to cook basic meals? Does he just eat out every night? Allow him to do his own exploration and find his own comfort level without providing the solution for him (I.e., don’t cook for him!).
About the relationship counseling and stuff? I'd be honest and open, and say yes you're gonna be official, but you have to work through some stuff for his own sake
You should still report him and let them know of any evidence.
Take screenshots, and logs you can, and send them his way. He may not believe you, but that is his choice.
Btw, if you care about ut so much you did it the wrong way. You could have asked her to break up with him to get with you. Then tell her already ex how it went down, and proceed to dump her.
She doesn't owe you an explanation even though it'd be nice.
He is not going to a therapist in case that wasn’t clear to you.
honestly if he's that worried he could just get a vasectomy. they are reversible (unlike getting your tubes tied) and don't affect your body hormonally (unlike birth control)
It's a tough choice. You have to ask yourself which is most important to you. There are other jobs, but then, there are also other women.
She's kind of playing hardball – obviously not willing to compromise. That in itself says she's already made the decision that moving closer to her home is her choice of which is more important to her. If she's that determined, maybe she isn't really showing much respect or need for you, is she.