Liia-ebony on-line sex chats for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “Liia-ebony on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I feel like he used my picture to imagine it’s them that are giving him head which is why I feel disrespected and hurt

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  3. I would not fucking be okay with that.

    Like yeah, your friend sucks. Everyone is harping on her but if she took a screenshot it likely has been in the cloud for years. My shit goes back to 2009, maybe earlier.

    That is absolutely something I'd screenshot. Especially if I didn't know how I was going to handle the situation. Having proof covers her ass in case he tries to spin some shit on her.

    She's shit for not telling you and then telling you in such an explosive way, but she likely didn't maliciously keep the photo in order to destroy your life like everyone seems to think.


    The real fucking problem is your husband. If you had been made aware of that text when he sent it would you have married him the next day?

    I'd be rip shit pissed, disgusted, and feel utterly betrayed if my SO did this right before marrying me. Nobody was twisting his fucking arm. He didn't have to marry you.

    He pulled that shit and kept it from you because you might not have said “I do” had you known. As far as I'm concerned a marriage born of deceit is no marriage at all. You were getting married and he literally betrayed you before walking down the isle! What the actual fuck.

    If you would have gone through with the marriage I don't know what to say. Couples counseling?

    I personally wouldn't get married the day after my SO sends a message like that. I know some advice column bullshit like starting over and dating your husband again to form a new relationship with him is likely what the relationship industry would recommend…

    But fuck that guy. Fuck him for lying about his feelings. Fuck him for carrying on a relationship, getting all the way to the alter, and STILL trying to get with your friend. Fuck him for keeping it a secret. Fuck him for standing with you in front of your friends and family pretending you're his person when he's only there because the woman he really wanted wouldn't have him.

    Fuck everything about that. Fuck him, fuck her, fuck the marriage, fuck the family. Fuck everything except the kids.

    You deserve to be someone's first choice. He is preventing you from finding that person because hun, he ain't it.

    I don't gaf if he thinks he's changed or whatever. Some things are too much. For me, this would cross that line.

    From your reactions to him it sounds like you agree. You should probably stop trying to convince yourself otherwise.

  4. Yes, this!

    What’s his long-term ownership plan? Are you gonna be added on the deed (now or later)? If not, you could see your payments to him as rent. Consider yourself his tenant. And only pay a fair rent.

    Other than that, if it’s his property upkeep, renovations, repairs are his responsibility.

    NEVER invest a lot of money into a property that you have no legal claim to!

  5. There is nothing controlling about sharing your feelings. My guess is he mentioned it to you because he wanted to know.


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