Lilly and Mike / MOD: John the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam
9KLilly and Mike / MOD: John, y.o.
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To Start live! video press there
Lilly and Mike / MOD: John, y.o.
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To Start live! video press there
Do you think its salvageable? It's been like this for a year now. I have talked to her about it and she reassured me that she'll never stop loving me and that we'll always be part of eachothers lives. In the past, she has been there for me and I with her. Which is why I'm confused on what happened.
I think it started when she lied to her mom about living with me. She confessed to me that she told her abusive mom that she had been living with me for the past 6 months, and that she was sorry but wanted to let me know. I understood and told her I'd keep my lips sealed but if for whatever reason my parents found out there's not a lot I can do. (At the time my parents and I were trying to fix our issues since there was a lot of toxicity within our relationship). About a month later, her mom somehow managed to get my dad's voice-mail and left angry messages about not updating her on her daughter and car payments. I pretended like I didn't know that my friend lied, but they now knew about what she was lying about. They weren't upset, they were actually very understanding. They just told the mom that my friend wasnt living with us, and lied about me knowing where she lives. Then, letters from her mom started coming in, and she started showing up at our house. We never gave her our number, or our address, and I don't know how she got past the security gate since they're supposed to call us. My parents told me that they couldn't do it anymore, and my dad was threatening me and told me that I have to tell him where my friend lived. I didn't, but I told my friend that if he asked again I'd have to tell him. She was upset and told me to just call the cops on her mom and to deal with it. We were both around 20, and she was living with her boyfriend so I was a little upset that she wanted to pass her problems for me to deal with but didn't express that. I know her relationship was volatile, but there was only so much that I could do.
Sorry I know this is a long response (there's more but I tried shortening up as best I could). I wanted you to know the history. My friend called her mom and told her to leave us alone and that was it. Her mom still doesn't know where she lives. I felt like that put a strain in our relationship, and I apologized to her.
That’s what you get. Curiosity killed the cat
If she sucks at expressing herself in texts, that's probably not the best communication method for finding the answer. Ask her out on a date and ask her face to face.
Her fiscal irresponsibility should be a huge flag for you along with her lack of clear communication and unreasonable demands.
This is why sex ed is important. Unfortunately OP still has the mind of a teenager. Its always immature and clueless ppl like him rush in to having children this young. I feel bad for his kids
Tell him he has to give you half his pay.
He is more than 10 years older than you. He is acting immature. He is abusive.
It’s only a boundary of you hold it. Take the key and change the locks or break up.
It's cheating regardless of it's the same sex or not. Not sure why anyone would think differently.
Your wife was intimate with someone else.
If she actually loved you, she wouldn't have done it. Period. The end.
So, get yourself a lawyer. I'd even go have another conversation with her and record it, get her to admit to the cheating again.
Divorce her, cut your losses, and look for someone who you can actually spend your life with.
There’s benign immaturity and then there’s this. This is not just immaturity, this is some disturbing delight in cruelty. He is gleeful at the idea of other people suffering.
Please see this as the deep, dangerous character flaw that it is.