Lina the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Lina, 19 y.o.


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7 thoughts on “Lina the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. It's definitely the way to go. Install na small steam-powered train whistle, complete with pull-cord in the kitchen. Every time you accomplish a workout goal, give the whistle a good blast. She'll get on board eventually.

  2. You really deserve better. If my husband ever commented on my appearance like that I would be gone. How dare he. You carried and birthed his baby, your body is amazing. I’m currently 8 month PP and yes I am not happy with how i look, but my husband, my partner always reassured me. That’s how it’s supposed to be. You are partners. Also, we didn’t have sex our whole pregnancy and still don’t as much. I was so uncomfortable and still am, pregnancy is hard on your body the last thing you needs is to feel pressured. Sex isn’t a weapon, it’s what you do with someone who you care for or all eats who respects you enough to not pressurise you.

    I also have studied whilst on mat leave, there’s nothing wrong with that. Babies sleep so much at first it makes perfect sense. I’m glad I did too as I have a better job to go back to when maternity ends.

    Also that’s bull that he doesn’t help with night feeds. You BOTH work. When my husband gets home from work he takes our baby and does the next few feeds so I can do whatever. If I’m tired he will also do the night feeds. It’s not every night, but when I need help he does it. He also helps 50/50 at weekends. He loves spending the time with our child, being a parent.

    I really hope you don’t let this man child make you feel less than. The way you turn it back on yourself isn’t right, how you are being treated is not ok. Please don’t think you deserve this.

  3. Hello /u/anonone1995,

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  4. So many men are delusional about their attractiveness. So many posts here about open relationship. Women always find more guys than the other way.

  5. Don’t move on with him, especially after dating such a short amount of time. It’s weird that he’s divulged his earnings to you at all, and nearly predatory that he has lied so unnecessarily.

    To me, this indicates that he’s not trustworthy & becoming more involved with him is a mistake.


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