Lissyjhonson live! sex chats for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “Lissyjhonson live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. “I was questioning if there was something wrong with me.”

    Yes, you don't take a hint with a brick.

    What a waste of time.

  2. You are a fool. What motive does Joe have to randomly drop this specific information on you, out of no where? You said it yourself, you weren't exactly friends. So why would he do this to you 5 years later?

    Could it be that he has a reason to not like you or your wife and want to upset you? I guess maybe if you left some info out of your post?

    Could it be that he recognizes your wife with another man at his job on a lunch date? Another maybe, but IMO, a more probable maybe?

    Irregardless, you putting your head in the sand on this instead of thinking it through is foolish. You wouldn't be so upset over it if you weren't concerned that it could be true. My suggestion would be to talk to this Joe and get relevant details (what time do they normally go for lunch every week? Does that align with your wife's schedule? Could you go to that restaurant around that time for lunch and check things out?), then make an INFORMED decision on what to do on the matter.

    Cuz right now you sound foolish. “My wife would NEVER cheat, so it makes sense that this random guy who I vaguely know, haven't talked to in over 5 years, and hunted me down on LinkedIn of all platforms is CLEARLY just lying and making it up for…. Some reason? Right?” OP, Please.

  3. I don't see anything wrong with an update. It's not like there are any details that would identify her. I think we are worried about her. It's understandable that you don't want to be in this financial position, but she sounds like a good person, and it can't be easy to be in serious debt, have a low-paying job, still live at home as an adult, and lose the person you love and apparently hoped to marry. I don't know if she can afford therapy, unless she has insurance to pay for it, but she will definitely need some support. Has she done financial counseling? Maybe that will help her decide about pros and cons of going back to school, and selecting her next career if she does.


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